Chapter 499

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Aaliyah's POV
Today was a shit day tbh. I couldn't pay attention in any of my lessons and ik the teachers were concerned because they kept asking me whats wrong and everytime they do i have to firm it because i don't like crying infront of people. Ik atleast two or three of them called my parents.

Samantha's POV
This is really effecting Aaliyah. Like 4 of her teachers called, worried about her. This is really effecting Jayden aswell. Like he looks up to his dad. I don't think that hes ever thought about living without him...
Our mum (his mum) is downstairs now with him. My parents said that she hasnt eaten anything at all. Neither has Jaydene...
This is really effecting them and it breaks my heart. I actually love Jayden's dad. Hes so sweet and caring and hes looked after me before. Ik for a fact im gonna miss him.
I heard the door start to unlock so i went downstairs to see who it was. It was Aaliyah.
She looked up at me "yh?"
"Can i speak to you?"
She nodded and followed me into the kitchen.
"Is everything okay?"
She didnt do anything for a minute. But then she looked at me and slowly shook her head and burst into tears. That broke my heart tbh.
I pulled her in for a big hug and she cried in my chest. I rubbed her back and kissed her forehead.
"Ik baby"
She wiped her tears and then she walked into the living room. She gave Janelle a hug and sat on the sofa. Shortly after, Isaac and Aysia came home. They spoke to their grandma and me and Jayden went into the kitchen. I sat at the counter and he stood on the other side. I looked up at him. I hate seeing him so sad. I've never seen him so sad before. Apart from when his grandma died.
"Yes beautiful?"
I couldn't help but smile. That warmed my heart
"This is really effecting Aaliyah..."
"Yh i can tell"
"Like 4 of her teachers called to ask about her"
"Yh" i nodded my head
He sighed.
I went over and gave him a big hug. He held me tight and rested his head ontop of mine.
"Baby its gonna be okay" i said into his chest
"You sure?"

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