Chapter 185

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(Pictures of Aiden)
Sarah's POV
I really like this boy and idek if he likes me. I think he does. Well he acts like he does. Samantha told me i should speak to him on a level and let him know how i feel but everytime i try to, i freak out. Like when im near him or when he speaks to me or touches me, my heart skips a beat and my stomach starts to feel all funny. I've never felt anything like that before. Aiden is just... ahh. He means the world to me. I just don't know how to say it. I got a ping on my phone. My stomach fluttered when i saw that Aiden popped up.

Aiden: Hey
Me: Heyy
Aiden: You kl?
Me: Yh you?
Aiden: Yh. Can i speak to you on a level
Me: Sure
My heart started beating faster
Aiden: ngl i have mad feelings for you. You're so pretty and your always real and i like you for that. Ive liked you for some time now but i didnt know if you liked me. Im actually falling for you
Me: arwh i like you a lot too. I didnt know how to tell you or if you liked me aswell so im glad you did
Aiden: do you want to go out with me?
Me: yh
Aiden: ❤️x
Me: ❤️x
I jumped out of bed and ran to Samantha's room.
"Samantha guess what!!!"
"What?" She looked confused
"Aiden asked me out!!"
"Whos Aiden?" She looked even more confused. I handed her my phone and made her read to chat.
"The boy i like"
"Oh the one you was asking for advice about?"
She scrolled down.
"That's cute" she said handing me my phone. I smiled. And ran out. I sat on my bed speaking to Aiden. I like him alot. Like alot alot.

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