Chapter 265

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Justine's POV.
For the last couple of days, Lisa has been saying the nastiest things to me and it was hurting me so bad. I felt worthless and not good enough for anyone. I sat in Darnell's livingroom. Last night i stayed at my friends house but i promised i would come over today. I put my head in my hand thinking about the things Lisa had said to me. As much as i try to forget it, i cant.
"Justine?" Darnell was standing in the doorway
"Mmm?" I looked up
"Yu look upset. Whats on your mind?"
"Ahh nothing"
"Tell me"
"Its just-"
"What about her?"
"Shes been saying some really hurtful things towards me lately"
I could see the anger grow in his face.
"Like what"
"Calling me a ugly whore, stuck up bitch, backstabber, attention seeker, jealous cunt, prick and other things" i was close to tears now.
He came and sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder.
"Baby, shes jealous herself. You don't have to worry about her. Shes tryna make you feel bad. But that's not going to work. You didnt steal me from her; i wanted you and i still do"
I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I love you Justine"
"I love you too Darnell"

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