Chapter 151

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Sapphire's POV
I sat in the playroom watching Samantha and Jayden play together. They were soo cute.
"Mummy, daddy, look what we built" they built a castle with lego
"Looks nice princess" Damien said winking at her. I smiled
"Well done guys"
They smiled and Jayden walked out.

Jerome's POV
I went into the fridge to get a drink and i felt someone tugging on my leg. I turned around and smiled.
"Hi little man"
"Hi daddy"
"Whats up?"
"What you doing?"
"Getting some water, do u want some?"
"No thank you"
"Okay" i said pouring myself a glass and drinking the water. I rinsed out the cup and put it in the dishwasher. Jayden put out his arms to be picked up. I lifted him and spun him around. He started giggling.
"Wheres mummy?"
"Its not sleep time"
"Mummy is tired"
"Can i see her?"
"Sure you can" i said carrying him up the stairs.
I put him down when we got to the room and opened the door. He walked up to the side of the bed and looked at Janelle. I stood in the doorway
"Mummy?" He said quietly tapping her. I smiled
"Mummy?" He said trying again
"Wake up mummy, its not sleep time"
"Im tired baby"
"That's what daddy said" he said looking over to me. Janelle sat up in bed and smiled.
She picked up Jayden and sat him on her lap. I went to go and sit next to them.
"Mummy how do you know daddy?"
She smiled.
"Your daddy went to my school "
"Do you love daddy?"
She looked at me
"I do"
Jayden turned to me
"Do you love mummy?"
I looked at her
"I do"
She smiled and i leaned in to kiss her
"EWWWW" he said covering his eyes
"Don't worry we love you to" she said
And we kissed either side of his cheek.
He yawned. He got under the covers and fell asleep in the bed.

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