Chapter 428

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Aysia's POV
I feel so much better about going to school now coz Ik the way Rio is acting to me isnt on purpose.
I walked to the study lounge and someone tapped my shoulder. I looked at that side but he was standing on the opposite one. I smiled
"Hi beautiful"
I gave Rio a hug. He smells nice. He looks nice aswell. He looks peng in school uniform which is hard for hella people. He was wearing a Adidas bobble hat and he had his diamond earring in.
"You look peng"
He smiled "thank you"
"Rio take off your hat" some teacher said walking past. He rolled his eyes on pulled his hat off
"What cologne do you use?"
"Versace and Calvin Klein, why?"
"You smell nice"
He smelt his hat "Thanks"
I smiled "you're welcome"
"Here you can have this till tomorrow"
I took his hat and smelt it. It smells hella peng
"What hat you wearing tomorrow then?"
"You'll see innit"
I smiled and he pulled me in for another hug.
We both turned around to see Jodi coming up to us. We sighed at the same time making us laugh.
"I'll speak to you later yh"
"Yhh" i smiled
He walked up to Jodi and just then the bell went for registation.

I went to go sit with Imani and i had to let her know whats going on with me and Rio
"Is that you yh?" She nudged me and i smiled
I looked over to Rio and he was already looking at me. He winked and i smiled at him before turning around. Im actually so happy now

Samantha's POV
Hmmm. Its my birthday and wedding anniversary on Sunday and Jayden hasnt really said anything about it. That means hes planning something big.
I stood up and went to the bedroom where he was.
"Yes beautiful?"
"What we doing on Sunday?"
I said walking to stand inbetween his legs.
He smiled and raised an eyebrow "whats special about Sunday babe?"
I rolled my eyes
He caught me off guard and pulled me ontop of him and i started to laugh as he tickled my thighs
"Jay! Please!"
We rolled around on the bed. I really couldn't hack it. Im mad ticklish.
When he was back ontop of me, he stopped tickling me and i caught my breath.
"Jay, was that necessary?"
He smiled and nodded. He looked into my eyes and i looked into his. His eyes are so beautiful. Theyre hazel/green.
He looked at my lips and leaned in and kissed me. His hands went up my top and ...

"Ahhhh Ahhh ahhhh j-JAYYYDEN" i closed my eyes tight as he went in and out of me
If this is what im getting today; i cant wait til Sunday...

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