Chapter 471

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Rhea's POV
I was sitting next to Isaac in maths. He had one hand on my thigh and he was rubbing it bare and i got butterflies in my stomach. Loool, i should've worn tights today. Negl Isaac turns me on...
Ik im only 15 but ik what i like and what i don't like; and i definitely like Isaac. I like him a lot actually. I love him.
The bell went for lunch. I was relieved. I couldn't hack that for much longer. Aaliyah quickly left the class. She probably wanted to meet Tyrell outside the other class coz he got sent out coz he was "a distruption to the class"
Me and Isaac held hands and walked outside together.

Aaliyah's POV
I walked down the corridor on the way to the class that Tyrell got sent out to. I turned the corner and i nearly vomitted my heart out. I quickled ran back around the corner and down the corridor before anyone could see me. I felt the tears coming to my eyes.
"Aaliyah stop running!" A teacher called after me. I just ignored her. If only she saw what i just saw...
I ran into the girls toilet and locked myself in a cubicle. I felt tears stream down my face as my brain tried to process what i just saw. I cant believe it. Why is this happening to me?
I quickly dried my tears and left the cubicle. I looked into the mirror, washed my hands and put some damp tissue on my eyes so the redness would wear away. When it did, i took out my coco butter and creamed my face.
I left the cubicle and bumped into Tyrell. He smiled at me
"Ah hey beautiful, i was looking for you"
I smiled weakly. He grabbed onto my hand and we walked outside together.

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