Chapter 408

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Samantha's POV
Aysia wouldn't stop crying and i really don't know why. Shes been crying for a good twenty minutes. Her crying hurts my heart tbh. Ive changed her. Ive fed her and burped her. Ive tried to put her to sleep but she wouldn't fall asleep. I felt her head and neck and she has a temperature. I took off her tracky and opened the window. I layed her on the bed and fanned her.
"Jayden can you fill her bottle with water?"
"Aysia baby, stop crying pleasee" i cooed. I hate seeing my babies cry. Jayden came up with a bottle of water and handed it to me
"Thank you"
He nodded
I started to feed it to Aysia. She seemed to be calming down abit. I rocked her in my arms and she made noises but eventually she fell asleep and i took her to her cot. I opened the window abit and left the door open.
I sighed and slumped back on the bed.
"You okay beautiful?"
I shook my head
"Your stomach hurting?"
"Everything's hurting babe"
He came up close behind me on the bed and started to rub my stomach. I felt him get hard which made it worse coz i cant even make love with him coz im on my fucking period ffs
"Relax babe" he whispered in my ear
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and leaned against him. He started nibbling on my ear making me smiled. I turned to him and kissed his lips. Passionatly.
Our eyes closed and tounges danced together and it felt so right. When i pulled away our foreheads touched
"I love you"
"I love you too"
I fell asleep next to him.

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