Chapter 12

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A week later i woke up feeling like complete shit. My stomach was hurting like mad and i kept on vomitting in the morning. I guess i was pregnant i was so excited, but for now i just told Jerome that i had a tummy bug. When i called my mum to tell her i was getting married she was so happy for me.
Jerome had gone out with his friends so i called up Jade to come round. Jade's been my day one since primary through secondary and so on. She helped me quite a lot with my depression and let me stay at hers for long.
"Ayye Jade baby"
"Hey Hun, i havent heard from you in timee"
"Yh ik babe sorry, I've been quite busy with Jerome, we getting married"
"OMDZ Congratulations babe"
"When did he propose?"
"When we went out on my birthday, he got me a black lambourghini, baree clothes and shoes and daht. After we kinda got... Busy."
"Ohh get in there" she laughed
"Lool ive been sick all morning for like a week. I told Jerome i have a bad tummy bug but hes not dumb"
"Lol shuud i come round?"
"Yh sure"

Half an hour later the door knocked.
"Hey babeee"
We hugged eachother i haven't seen her in timee.
"Girl, i saw you knew car and its penggg"
"Thanks b"
It was only 9:30 and i was still feeling quite sick
"Oh i got you a present Janelle"
"Ohh what is it?" I said raising an eyebrow. She brought out a box of pregnancy test and i smiled.
I took the box and we ran upstairs like little girls.
I pissed on it and went into the room where Jade was waiting. I couldn't look at it so i left it on the side and paced up and down the room.
"Janelle stop you're creating a draft" she laughed.
I smiled weakly. Tbh i wanted to have a baby so bad but if i was pregnant i was scared.
I picked up the test and it read positive. My eyes opened wide. Jade read my face and started squealing. She went on about being a god mother and buying all these things. Just then Jerome got home.
"Janelle, im home!" He shouted up the stairs
Me and Jade ran down stairs with smiles across our faces
"Oh hi Jade" he said "this is Damien"
"Hi Jerome, hi Damien" we said smiling. Me and Damien have known eachother for time. I think him and Jade had a thing for eachother for long.
"Jerome can i speak to you in private" i said not sounding so suspicious.
"Yh sure" he followed me into the game room
"Whats up beautiful?"
"I have a suprise for you"
"Issit now?" He said raising an eyebrow
"Mmhmm, close your eyes"
He closed his eyes and i held the pregnancy test
"Open 'em"
He gasped "no way!"
"Well you didnt use a condom did you?"
He picked me up and spun me around. I started laughing.
"We having a baby!!" He sang
We kissed and walked back to the living room.
"Eww get a room" Jerome said, i laughed they didnt realise we had come into the room. They smiled at us
"See you later Janelle i g2g, congrats"
"Congrats?" Damien said
"Shes pregnant" Jerome said smiling
"Ohh congrats, see you lots later"
We followed them to the door
Jerome hugged me from behind and put his chin on top of my head. His hands were rubbing my stomach. Awrhh i really love him
"I love you tooo b"
"Oh yh i need to call my mum"
"Yh same, urs first"
I dialled in her number
"Hey mummy"
"Whats up babe?"
"Im pregnant" i got straight to the point
"OMG im gonna be a grandma congrats to you and Jerome you're gonna be great parents"
"Thanks mum" we both said. We call each other's mums mum and i call Jeromes dad, dad as if we were already married.
"Talk to you later, byee"
"Byee" i locked off
Jerome dialled in his mum
"Hey mum you with dad?"
"Hey mum" i chimed in
"Oh hey guys, hes hear I'll put it on speaker
"So as u know me and Janelle are getting married"
"Yes we're so happy for you"
"Well shes pregnant"
"OMG congratulations u too will make great parents"
"Thank you" we both said
"We'll talk soon byee"
I looked at Jerome and he was looking deep into my eyes. I was so excited to have a baby i was kinda scared tho
"Im excited too babe. Don't be scared; we got this"

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