Chapter 213

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Justines POV
I got home and ran upstairs. I sat on my bed thinking. Hmm. My best friend kissed the boy that i like at the disco yesterday. She wouldn't stop messaging and calling me. She knew ive been whipped on him for months now. Im 13 and a half now. Im in year 9, same year as Sarah. Darnell, the boy i like, knows i like him aswell. He kissed Lisa right infront of me. I just walked out. They tried to come after me. I just said i had somewhere to be. I tear rolled down my face. I quickly wiped it away. I feel like im just over exaggerating. My heart hurts though. Like it feels like its literally broken. Lool oh well. What can i do?
"DINNER!" Mum shouted up the stairs.
Argh food. I'm not hungry today. There was a knock on my door.
Jayden walked in. "Dinner's ready"
"Ik im not hungry"
"You weren't hungry this morning"
I didnt say anything.
"Or yesterday"
I looked down.
"Everything okay?"
"Orite" he didnt sound sure. He walked out shutting the door behind him. I didnt like lying to Jayden but i didnt really want to talk about it right now. I went to out on a onesie and layed in bed.

Jayden's POV
I walked downstairs and at around the dining table next to Samantha.
"Wheres Justine?" Dad asked
"Said shes not hungry"

Jerome's POV
I was worried about Justine. She hasnt eaten in 2days and she hasnt really spoken to anyone in the house. After dinner i went to speak to her. I knocked on the door.
I openes the door
"Hi dad"
"Everything okay?"
"You sure?"
"I guess"
"You can tell me anything yh?"
"Yes dad"
"Good" i kissed her forehead and walked out

Justines POV
I feel hopeless really. I feel like im not good enough for anyone. Like Jayden found samantha, Jaydene found Aaron, Sarah found Aiden and im just here. Lol. My parents' relationship is like the sweetest. They tell us stories about when they were younger and its so cute. I want a relationship like them. I went onto snapchat. I had like 15 stories to watch. I watch darnell's first. Pure videos of him and lisa together. Hugging and kissing. I waved it off. I saw more on Lisa's story. Just put me off tbh. I sighed. I went into my bathroom and set myself a hot bath with bubbles. I put my hair in a high bun and got in. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I had so much on my mind right now.

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