Chapter 394

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Samantha's POV
We're taking the kids into the pool today. Isaac and Aaliyah actually love to splash about in the pool. I put them in the swimming ring with the seat and they just splash about, its so cute. I have so many pictures of them in the pool. They always come to me with their swimming costumes, begging to go in and today they will. They'll definitely be happy about that.
After we had breakfast and digested, we took the kids upstairs to put their costumes on.
When me and Jayden were changing Isaac and Aaliyah and they saw their costumes, the started making alot of noises and clapping their hands together. I smiled
When they were changed we put them on the floor.
I crouched down to their level "wait for mummy and daddy okay?"
"Okay!" They clapped their hands together and waddled around their room. Me and Jayden went into our own room to change. When i was putting on my costume, Jayden was just pree'ing i couldn't help but giggle.
"You're so horny" i laughed
"Its not even that" he licked his lip
"Then..?" I raised an eyebrow
"You're just all kinds of beautiful" he licked his lip again
I smiled "thank you"
We went back into the childrens' room and took them downstairs to the pool room. We blew up all the kids' rings and placed them in it. Im so light headed right now from blowing up them things. I think im just gonna leave them blown up for now.
The kids giggled and splashed about in the pool. They looked like they were having so much fun. I had to video them and take pictures. I had to put them on snapchat aswell. Me and the girls were siting at the side of the pool while the boys played with the kids.
"So what do you think about having another one?" Tiana asked
"Ive been thinking about it" i said
"Same" Rhianna agreed
"Hmm" India thought "why not"
I smiled "yh i would definitely have another one"
"How many would you want altogether?" Tiana asked
"Well i was originally gonna have 3 but because i have twins" i looked up at them "idm 4"
"Hmm tru" Tiana agreed
"And babies are too cutee" i smiled
"So are you tryna get pregnant this year?"
"Well the twins are one now so i dnt see why not"
"Well then, looks like we're all having babies again"
We all smiled
Isaac and Aaliyah floated over to me.
They grabbed at my hands and i smiled
"Do yu guys want me to swim with you?"
They clapped their hands together and made noises
"I think that means yes" the girls laughed
I smiled and got into the water. I pushed the twins along with me to Jayden and the girls followed and went to their kids.
"Ooo i thought you were too lazy to get into the water" Jayden smiled
I rolled my eyes and hit his arm and he laughed
"Mummy daddy!!!"
We turned to Isaac and Aaliyah, they started to kick their legs and splash us with their hands. We laughed and threw water back at them. I love seeing them so happy.

Jaydene's POV
"Aaron!!!" I called from upstairs. He was making me tea because i don't feel well. Ive been sick since about last week.
I heard him coming up
"Yes beautiful"
I smiled "guess what?"
"What?" He raised an eyebrow
"Im 12 weeks pregnant"
He raised his eyebrows "don't lie!"
I took the clear blue pregnancy test from behind my back and showed him. He took it out my hands and smiled. He picked me up and spun me around and i started to giggle.
He kissed my lips "we having a baby!"
Words cant describe how happy i am right now.

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