Chapter 139

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Janelle's POV
We were all going out so sapphire and i could get our belly casts done. I wanted mine to have Me and Jerome's hands in it. We went to the separate rooms to do the cast. I sat down and the woman told us how it was gonna be done.
"Okay well Jerome now you can get behind Janelle and put your hands in and I'll start casting you up!" She said with a smile. I smiled back. The cast felt weird. I reminded me of when my dad broke my arm...
I tried to get that thought out of my brain. The woman spoke to us about the baby and asked questions
"Is this your first?"
"Yep" i said smiling
"Thank you" we both said
"Do you know the gender?"
"Yep a boy" Jerome said
"Arwh do you have any names?"
"That's a nice name"
"Thank you"
She finished up putting the last parts of the cast on and smoothing it out.
"Okay guys I'll put this heater on " she said pointing above. " and it should be ready in 20 minutes"
"Okay thank you"
She smiled and walked out

Sapphires POV
My cast was gonna have one of Damien's hands and one of my hands. I already had an idea of how i wanted it to look. A light pink with some flowers and butterflies and them underneath her name and D.O.B and the time she was born. Damien and i havent though of a name yet.
"Wht we calling her b" he said reading my mind
"Um, what about Samantha?"
That was easier than i thought

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