Chapter 597

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Samantha's POV
The gel was cold on my stomach. Dr kyle moved the traducer around my stomach and smiled
"Would you like to know the gender"
"Yes please"

Aaliyah's POV
Omdz im dying to know what mums having!! A boy! A girl! Omdz!! A little sister or a little brother. I was pacing up and down the games room. Just waiting for my phone to ring.
"Hm?" I looked up at Tyrell. He was playing snooker with Isaac
"You're distracting me" he chuckled
I smiled "i really want to knowww😩😩"
"Relax Aaliyah, mum and dad will call as soon as they know"
I nodded

Rio's POV
"Im not gonna be the youngest anymore, i get to baby someone. A little brother or a little sister"
I chuckled. Aysia was rambling on about how her parents are having kids and i think its so cute.
"... and you're gonna be a big brother, which is sooo cute and you get to like play football with him. Arwhhh i can just imagine you -"
I shut her up with a kiss. She smiled and then kissed me back. I pulled away and looked at her
"You talk too much"
She giggled "im just excited"
"Ik baby, so am i"

Isaac's POV
"Imagine you holding a little boy or little girl" Rhea smiled. I winked at her.
Its been like 9weeks since i got the letter from school about prom.
Ive been in only one fight since. With Andre. All tey other times ive just parr'ed him. So its looking like im going to prom 😌
"Isaac im hungry" Aaliyah whined
I looked at her "okay... what do you want me to do?"
Tyrell started laughing
"Make me something to eat, please"
"I already cooked"
"You cooked?" Rhea asked
"Yes 😌 i did"
"What you cook?"
"Rice and peas and fried chicken"
"Oooo sorry badman" Rhea and Aaliyah said going to the kitchen
I laughed and me and Tyrell finished our game of snooker

Rhea's POV
"Isaac's gonna be a great husband"
"Is he?"
"Yes he issss" i smiled
"Hes pengpengpeng, and sweet and carried and over protective, he can cook-"
"Thanks" Isaac walked in and winked at me
I smiled and flicked my hair "you're welcome"

Samantha's POV
I gasped and started smiling bare, i looked at Jayden who also smiled at me
"Omdz, thank you so much"
"You're welcome, would you like pictures of your scan?"
"Yes please"
"How many would you like"
"Ummm..." i started counting people in my head
"12 please"
"Coming up"
I sat up and wiped the gel off my stomach and smiled at Jayden and he pulled me in for a kiss
Dr kyle came back with the pictures. We thanked him and routed back home.
I opened the front door and all the kids ran into the hallway
I was actually smiled bare
"Tell us tell us tell usss!!!" Aaliyah pleaded
"Pleaseeeee" Aysia begged
"Samantha?" Jayden smiled
I smiled at the kids "we're having..."

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