Chapter 613

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Isaac's POV
I ran to the girls toilets and i heard Rhea crying.
"Baby" i said knocking on the door
"Go away" she sniffed
"Baby, Amber is lying to you"
There was silence for a minute. She sniffed again
"Say God knows"
"God knows beautiful"
She slowly opened the cubicle and i pulled her in for the most passionate kiss. I pulled away and wiped her tears
"Rhea i would never do that to you" i said moving the hair out of her face
She slowly nodded and kissed me again
"Why would Amber say that tho?"
"Idk baby, but imma find out"
I held her hand and we walked out to the playground to the benches near the football pitch
Amber was with Andre
"Why the fuck are you chatting shit to my girl?"
She looked at me baffed "huh?"
Rhea kissed her teeth "don't act like you don't know what hes talking about"
She stayed silent, i was losing my patience
"Why did you tell her we made out?"
"Because he told me to" she turned to Andre who was bare smiling
I looked up to God
"Andre i swear-"
"Remember, if you get into 4 more fights, you cant go pr-"
"Well its 3 now" i shrugged sending one blow to his face
A crowd formed but i really didnt care
I kept punching him and in the corner of my eye i could see Amber starting a fight with Rhea
I kicked Andre once more and left him on the floor
"I swear if you hurt her, i will actually punch you, and i don't hit girls"
She screwed me
I kissed my teeth "sit the fuck down man"
"Isaac don't talk like that like say you didnt use to love me"
"USE TO, past fucking tense. That's why your in set 5 for english, dumb shit" everyone started laughing and she sat back down. Kmbct
Andre somehow got up and tried to swing for me again so i just punched him back down to the floor and now Rhea and Amber were fighting.
I picked Rhea up by her waist and put her to the side and stood inbetween her and Amber.
"What did i just say to you?"
She stayed silent and started fixing her hair
"Do you want me to punch you or something?"
I could see Andre getting up "i s2g Andre, if you touch me again." i said without turning my head
"Anyways, Amber. I asked you a question"
"No man"
"Don't talk like that or i will punch you"
"No Isaac"
"Okay, well don't put your fucking hands on my girl again. Understand?"
"Yes i understand"
Andre stood up and started coming towards me and i punched him in his face again making him spin
"FFS ANDRE MAN! Don't you ever learn. Like SHIT! LEAVE ME ALONE. FUCKING HELL!!"
The crowd starting laughing and finally the teachers arrived. Trust Miss Moss to be here.
"Isaac, Andre, my office. Now"
Ffs man
"Isaac you do realise if you get into 3 more fights you cant go prom right!"
"Yh i understand"
"Andre why you always provoking him?"
He shrugged and smiled
"Do you like getting beaten up?"
He shrugged again
"I just like pissing him off"
I looked at miss and she looked at then back at Andre
"Andre your in internal exclusion for the rest of the week. Leave my office"
He kissed his teeth and left
"Do you want me to make it two?" Miss called after him
She shook her head and i sat in the chair looking down at my feet
"Isaac, im not trying to disrespect you but i thing you may need to attend anger man-"
"I do"
"Do you?"
"Yes i do"
"Yh, its not working is it?"
"I wouldn't say its not working..."
"Andre likes annoying you"
"Yh miss he needs to stop foreal"
"What he do this time?"
"Basically, i use to go out with Amber and we broke up because she was doing a secret ting with Andre. That's the main reason why i didnt like him then he just started talkin about my sister and my current girl-"
"Yhh, and then he got Amber to tell Rhea that me and her made out which never happened. Then Rhea got all upset and was crying and that"
"I see, why does Andre always want to get in fights with you"
"Come in" miss called
My parents walked in
"Hello Mr and Mrs Richardson Riley" they shook hands
"Kl dad?" I spudded him
He nodded his head
"Hi mum" i gave her a hug and she kissed my cheek. They took their seats
"He keeps gettin into fights with me because he don't want me to go to prom"
"Who Andre?" Dad asked
He rolled his eyes
"I see" miss nodded her head
"Well now i have the full picture and i can see that Andre provokes you, you can go to prom regardless of what happens"
I smiled "thanks miss"
"That doesn't mean you can get into how ever many times you want"
"Why did you get in a fight anyways?" Mum asked
"Yu kno how i dealt Amber"
"And we broke up"
"Because she started doing a ting with Andre"
"Yhh well Andre told her to tell Rhea that me and her made out"
Mum rolled her eyes "well that's immature"
"Yhh" dad agreed

Miss Moss'
I love the relationship Isaac has with his parents. Like the way they greet eachother and talk like theyre best friends.
"Come in"
"Oh hey mum, hi daddy"
"Hey princess"
"Hey, why you not in lesson"
"Oh right, my english teacher is annoying me"
"Whys that?" I questioned
"She think Isaac is bunking and she refuses to teach until he turns up"
"Serious?" Isaac questioned
"Rahh, didnt know i was that popular" he smiled making us all laugh
"Come we'll walk you to your lesson"
We started to walk down the corridor to their english class.
"Isaac where have yu-"
She stopped speaking when me and his parents stood in the door way. The class started to murmur
"Hi Jaydennnnn" all the girls smiled
He chuckled "hi guys"

Jayden's POV
"Your mum is a peng ting still"
"Stfu dick'ed. Does she look like a ting to you?" Isaac screwed
"Isaac!" Samantha and miss moss were shocked
"Sorry sorry sorry, but whys he talking about my mum like that. Shes a big woman in a happy marriage, innit"
He said turning to me and Samantha
She smiled "yhhh"
"Congratulations Samantha" some girl said
"Yh congrats"
"What you having?" Someone else asked
"3 girls" she smiled rubbing her bump
"Rahhhhhhhhh" they all said at once making us laugh
"Isaac's a great big bro anyways so its calm" Aaliyah smiled
Isaac smiled back "what can i say?"
"Arwhh bless" some other girl smiled
"You guys are like the cutest twins ever"
"Thanks" they both smiled
"Well sorry for disturbing your lesson" Samantha said
Their teacher nodded and smiled "that's okay"
Lool she was wearing clothes that Samantha designed
We walked back to Miss Moss's office

Isaac's POV
Me and Aaliyah took our seats. Miss was bare screwing me
"Miss you wasn't screwing me when my parents and Miss Moss was there so relax your face. Chaaa"
People started to laugh and she just carried on her lesson

Samantha's POV
"So how is Isaac's anger management?"
"Its okay i guess. He doesn't complain about going"
"Before he would refuse to be put into anger management but then Aaliyah spoke to him and he finally agreed"
"I see. Isaac can control his anger. Its just Andre. Hes always provoking him"
"Im gonna have to have a meeting with his par- his mum"
"Well thanks for coming in" miss moss smiled and shook our hands
"See you and congratulations Samantha"
"Thank you" and with that we left

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