Chapter 177

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Jayden's POV
When i got home my parents wernt home. I changed into jogging bottoms and a white t shirt. I started doing my history homework. We have a controlled assessment tomorrow. I wrote a draft it was going to be about the Cold War and what USA and the USSR both wanted. An hour later i had finished the draft and read and edited it. Im going to my history teacher, miss Evans, in the morning to read it and give me her opinion.
"Hi Jayden"
I looked up. My parents were home.
"Oh hi mum hi dad"
"Everything good?"
"Yhh" and then they left.
I sat on my bed and went on my phone.
I had likes and comments on insta. I dont even want to go through them. Pure dm's im ignoring. I went on bbm. It actually looks ugly idk why they made that update. I hand messages from quite a lot of people. Some girls were asking me out. Boys were asking me to set them up with some girls and Samantha's friends were popping up asking about her. I smiled at the thought of Samantha.
I wonder if shes home yet. Shes just so beautiful. I bit my lip. Shes sexy ngl. Hmm.
I went to talk to Jaydene.
"Whats up?"
"Nm, i dnt feel well"
"Why whats rong"
"My stomach hurts"
"Are you on your reds?"
She nodded.
"Im coming back"
I went downstairs and made her a hot water bottle and some peppermint tea.
Samantha came into the kitchen.
"What you doing?"
"Making Jaydene tea and a hot water bottle"
"Her stomach hurts"
"Arwwh" she kissed my cheek and i smiled.
"You're so cute"
I winked at her.
I went back upstairs with the hot water bottle and tea. I walked into Jaydene's room and gave it to her.
"Arwhh thanks jay"
I walked to justines room.
"Whats good"
She laughed
"Why don't you knock?"
I laughed "i told you, i can check on my baby sister whenever i want" i went over to start kissing her face.
"Eww Jayden stopp. Eww Jay please" i stopped. I walked out laughing at her.
I went into Samantha room. She was wearing leggings and a top again. She smiled when she saw me.
"You're my girlfriend now"
She laughed "so your not going to ask me?"
"No. Im just letting you know" i smiled.
She smiled. She came over and gave me a big hug. I hugged her back holding her waist. She moved back from the hug. I looked into her eyes and she looked at mine. I looked at her lips and bit mine. I pulled her in and kissed her she put her tongue in my mouth and mine went in hers. They moved around together. Mmm i liked kissing her. I like kissing her a lot.
"Jayden!" My mum called
I pulled away. She smiled at me. I winked and slapped her but walking out. I heard her giggle.

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