Chapter 584

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Isaac's POV.
Unfortunately, we have the same english teacher but the seating plan is calm. I sit next to Aaliyah, me on one side Tyrell on the other. Rhea sits next to me then Jordan then Kasia.
I could tell that Aaliyah was dreading being in this class. Andre sits on the row behind us so shes moving a bit paranoid and i understand that. She looks like shes gonna cry so she rested her head on the table.
Miss rolled her eyes
"Aaliyah, please may we have a fresh start this year?"
She didnt reply
"For goodness sake Aaliyah!"
Aaliyah looked up, her eyes full of tears and got up to leave
"Detention for walking out without permission!" Miss called after her
"Shes allowed to leave" i defended
"And whys that?"
"None of your business"
"Says who?"
"Miss Moss"
"Ooooooo" the class cooed
Miss fell silent
"Well nothing. You said you wanted a fresh start so drop the subject and teach your lesson" i said standing up to walk to the door
"If you leave, you'll get a detention"
I kissed my teeth "stfu, im going to find my sister"
This teacher wants a slap.
I walked out the class and looked both ways in the corridor. I spotted Aaliyah and jogged over to her.
"Isaac i don't like crying infront of people"
"You can cry infront of me" i held my arms out and she cried in my arms.

Aaliyah's POV
From this whole situation, the thing that im happy about is the fact that Tyrell took my virginitu and not... Alex
I love Tyrell so much
I cant believe i was taken advantage of like that...

Samantha's POV
"Yh that would be great"
"Okay, you're welcome"
*locked off*
"Who was that babe?"
"The kids' school "
"What happened now?"
"Oh nothing"
"They want us to come in tomorrow?"

Isaac's POV
A whole school assembly was called during english. Fuck yes 🎉🎊
"Okay" miss moss always starts her sentences like that "ik its short notice but its all organised now, tomorrow will be mufti day"
Everyone cheered
"And there will be a few workshops that you can choose to go to throught the day, and don't think you can bunk because registers will be taken"
People started to murmur
"We have the winners of the barclays premier league coming in"
"CHELSEAAAAA!!!" Half the school cheered the other half booed
Miss laughed "that's enough, we have some lawyers, doctors midwifes, designers and models" she smiled "Samantha Richardson Riley to be specific"
Aaliyah smiled
People started to murmur "so that are the events for tomorrow, if you have any questions come to my office. Also, if you're taking part in the football with the Chelsea team, bring a football kit or pe kit. You may return to your lessons"
Oo tomorrow is looking live

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