Chapter 380

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3 months later -
Samantha's POV
Tiana and Kieran's son is beyond cute. Hes actually adorable. Im holding him now and he seems so peaceful. I smiled
My babies were due in about 2-3 days. They could even come today tbh. And Tiana is gonna be my midwife!
I looked up at India "why don't you want to be in the birthing room?"
She rubbed her hand over her own bump, shes 6months now "coz im scared of giving birth"
"But you're gonna have to do it"
"Yh ik but i don't want to see it because then I'll be more nervous about my own"
"Ooo i see" i said handing baby Jordan back to Tiana.
She smiled and started bouncing him up and down on her lap. He started to make noises. Hes so cute.
I looked down at my bump, i cant even see my feet. My back hurts, my feet hurt and my neck hurts. Everything hurts and i feel so fat.
"Look how fat i am girls"
"You're not fat Sam"
"Yh you don't even look fat, its just that big bump of yours"
"Yh" i said rubbing my stomach "its gonna take a long time to get my stomach flat again"
"But if you eat healthily aswell as work out, it shouldn't take that long"
The twins started to move again
"They actually don't keep still"
The girls laughed
"Its like theyre fighting in there"
"Already?" Jayden asked walking in with the rest of the boys
"Yes already. You're gonna have to deal with this you know"
"Me?! I don't fight"
"Mmmhmm we believe you"
Jayden laughed and sat next to me
"Does jordan sleep through the night?"
I asked
"Yh he sleeps for like 9-12 hours straight"
"Yh hes an angel"
"Hope these two sleep through the night" Jayden said
"They probably wont because during my sleep they seem to be playing football"
Everyone laughed. I smiled. I cant wait until these babies get here.

Marco's POV
"I love you too Marco"
I pulled her in for a kiss and our lips explored eachother's mouth. We made out for a couple more minutes before i pulled away.
"Tina, you're beautiful" i said moving hair outta her face
She smiled at me "thank you baby"
She tiptoed and kissed me again

Samantha's POV
It was just me and Jayden now. I was rubbing my stomach. I am so tireddddd. My back is killing and these children wont keep still.
"Arghh" i groaned. I leaned back on the sofa.
"Jayden!" I called. I cba to get up
"Yes beautiful" i smiled, he came into the living room and stood infront of me
"It hurts"
"What hurts baby?"
He frowned and sat next to me "they'll be out of you soon b" he put a hand on my stomach "and we'll finally get to meet them"
I smiled
The nursery that we had decorated for the twins is actually so beautiful. I love it so much. Its just as i designed aswell.
"Baby you look so tired"
I nodded "i am"
"Sleep then" he took my hand and we walked upstairs together. He tucked me into bed and kissed my forehead and went to sleep. Jayden is so sweet

Jayden's POV
I left Samantha to sleep and went into the babies nursery. I packed a nike bag of stuff that we'll need at hospital because Samantha is due anyday now. I smiled the thought of having children makes me smile. Me and Samantha's creation running around.

Less than 15 minutes later, i heard Samantha calling me from upstairs, i was in the kitchen.
I ran upstairs "yes babe?"
She looked in pain. I went over to her to help her sit up. She groaned
"Whats up?"
"It hurts"
"What hurts?"
"My stomach"
"You getting contractions?"
"Mmmhmm" she nodded and her eyes closed. She looked hella nervous
I held her hand "babe relax, im gonna be here with you"
"The babies cant come today"
"Why not?"
"You have a match tomorrow"
"I wont play"
"They need you"
"They'll manage without me b"
"But i want you to play"
"If they do come, im sure the girls will stay with me"
"And your okay with that?"
"Mmmhmm" she nodded
I held the side of her face and pulled her in for a kiss. Shes perfect.
"Im scared"
I held her hand tighter "don't be babe, im gonna be here with you all the way through"
"Arghhhhhh" she groaned again and a pool of water appeared on the bed
"No no no no no no no, baby i cant"
"You can"
She held onto my hand and her breathing gradually got deaper. I started to time her contractions. I got her some new bottoms to put on and added some of her things to the bag. I dialled in Tiana.
"Arghhhhhh!" Samantha grabbed into my hand and squeezed it.
"It hurtsss!" She groaned
I squeezed her hand
"Hi Jayden"
"Samantha's having contractions and her water broke"
"Omdzz, make your way to the hospital and I'll meet you there"
*locked off*
I started to text the rest of the squad.
"Mum my water broke" Samantha said into the phone
"Yhh, tell the rest"
"Orite bye"
*locked off*
She looked up to me
"You ready?"
She shrugged "i guess i have to be"
I pulled her in for a passionate kiss "ik you can do this babe"
She kissed my lips once more before we left the house.
We got into the car and i started to drive to the hospital. I held Samantha's hand all the way. She started to get contractions in the car and they gradually got closer and closer together.
"Arghhhhh!!!" She leaned her head back and squeezed my hand. Hopefully she don't squeeze tighter than that.
"Jay, how far now?"
"Not that long beautiful"
"Arghhhhhhhhh FFS!!!" She screamed. Sounded like she was in hella pain. I feel bad coz i cant do anything.
5minutes later, i parked up and helped Samantha out of the car. She held onto my hand tight.
"Arghhhhhhhh!" She screamed.
I found some strength and carried her into the hospital.
"Omdz y-you're Jayden-"
"Um yh but my wife is about to give birth"
"Oh right-"
All the other nurses came rushing to the reception room when they heard Samantha scream.
"AHHHHH!" She squeezed onto my hand tight.
"Omdz- i love her clothing"
"You're an amazing player btw"
"Shes so pretty"
"Yh yh thanks but that's not the issue right now-"
"Okay someone go set up room 22" Tiana walked in
I looked to the ceiling "thank God" she smiled
"Are they being weird coz you guys are practically famous?"
"Its like they didnt notice she was in my hands"
"Tia help me" Samantha groaned.
"Follow me"
I followed tia into room 22 and stood her up.
"Arghhhhh!!!" She squeezed onto my hand and squatted. I picked her up bridal style and layed her on the bed. I took off her top and put the Gown on. She looked like she was in so much pain. Just then the squad and our parents walked in.
"How you doing Sam"
She groaned "it hurts"
"Ik babe"
"Want me to tie your hair up?" I asked
She nodded
I went and started to tie her hair up. She wriggled around.

Samantha's POV
IT HURTS SO MUCH. i feel like shit. I want them outta me but im too scared to get them outta me.
"Arghhhhhhh!!" I screamed
"Well" Tiana started "i guess you're ready"
I shook my head "i don't want to"
"Baby you have to"
I havent let go of Jayden's hand, if he wernt here to comfort me, idek what i would do.
"Who do you want to stay in here"
"Idrc, arghhhhhh!"
Everyone left apart from tia jay and my mum.
"Samantha you have to start pushing now"
I squeezed onto Jayden's hand and pushed hard "ARGHHHHHHHHH!"
I kept pushing and pushing and pushing
"Ahh i can see a head, almost there Sam"
"Almost there beautiful"
"Baby im tired" i whined
"Ik baby, you almost there"
"Sam your babies are almost here" mum said
I looked at the clock opposite. It was nearly midnight. How did time pass so quick?
I got another contraction "ARGHHHHHHH!!!"
I panted and closed my eyes
"Hes here!!"
I smiled and tears came to my eyes.
I looked up at Jayden
"One more, baby"
"I cant"
"You can"
I held onto his hand and pushed
"Ahhhhhh" i breathed
"Shes here!!"
I heard the cries of my babies and tears streamed down my face, i looked at Jayden and a tear rolled down his
"I told you you could do it baby" he kissed my forehead.
Tiana layed the twins on my chest.
"Theyre beautiful"

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