Chapter 130

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Jays POV
I managed to see Jade in the streets and she let me know where Janelle lives.
"Um can i speak to my-"
"Why not?"
"Nows not a good time"
"Jerome whos at the- o my God"

Janelle's POV
I didnt know what to say. so many things where going through my brain. Why is he here? How does he know i live here? Has he been stalking me? Who told him? I was so confused. I put a hand to my stomach.
"W-what are you doing here?" I grabbed onto Jerome's hand and he held it tight.
"I wanted to talk"
"Ive been thinking -"
"Everything. I am really sorry for what ive done to you. I dont-"
"Sorry? Do you think sorry diminishes what you've done to me? What you've put me through? What i had to live with?" A tear rolled down my face i rolled up my sleeves showing my scars. "You did this to me. All of these cuts. As time went on they got deeper. Because of you. You made me feel like nothing" my voiced trailed off as i tried not to cry. He looked down at my arms. He looked embarressed and so he should be.
"No it doesn't but i wanted to say it anyways. Ive realised what i done was out of order and i never knew you self harmed-"
"You wouldnt..."
"Just here me out. Im so sorry Janelle. I actually cant believe i done that to you. Im sorry"
There was a pause. He looked down to my stomach and my hand
"Congratulations on your baby and getting married" he said. I looked down trying to hold in the tears.
"Um thanks" Jerome said
"Girl or boy?"
"Boy" he said
There was another pause
"Well you dnt have to worry about me. Im turning myself in today. Um, Janelle i am really sorry. Ik you don't see me as your dad anymore, or if you ever had , again i am really sorry. For everything. I wish you all the best for your family" and with that he walked away from the door.
"Janelle, i-"
"Um - just give me a minute" i said in a low voice. I ran up the stairs and sat at the edge of the bed. I put my head in my hands and cried.

Jerome's POV
I walked back into the living room and sat down. There was silence.
"What happened ?" Damien asked
I told them what happened and wen Janelle comes back downstairs not to bring it up. we sat in silence. I cant believe what just happend. I want to respect Janelle's privacy and that but ik she needs someone to talk to. I got up to go upstairs.

Janelle's POV
I cried and cried and cried. I cried because i was angry. I cried because i was upset. I cried because i was in shook and i cried because i felt empty. I started of thinking of my childhood. I started scratching my arm. I felt dirty. I went to the bathroom and ran the water. I took my clothes off and got in facing the wall. I looked down at my scars. I was so tempted to cut but i couldn't. Jerome would hate me for it and im pregnant and i cant go through that. I cried in the shower as i rubbed my skin. I felt a body behind me. I turned it was Jerome.

Jerome's POV
I really hated seeing Janelle like this. My heart was breaking. I held her against my body as the water poured on our skin. She turned to face me and cried. I held her tight with my head on hers.
"Im sorry baby"
She held me tighter. I held her chin and moved her face until our eyes met.
"You're my beautiful queen. I got you" she kissed me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kept the kiss going. She kissed me softly and out her tongue in my mouth and the moved together. She kept kissing me.

Janelle's POV
I kissed Jerome like i wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. When i pulled away we soaped washed and got out the shower. We creamed and i put on a onesie and Jerome put on a top and tracksuit bottoms. Jerome dried my hair and brushed it up in one. I went to sit on the bed.
"Arent you gonna eat?"
"Im not hungry"
"Orite babe" and he left the room. I got comfortable and ended up falling asleep in Jerome's side of the bed.

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