Chapter 178

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Jayden's POV
"Yes mum" i said walking into her room. I sat on the sofa.
"Whos your latest girlfriend?"
I started to laugh "mum, you say it like ive dealt 50 girls"
"How many"
"2 in the past"
"You would think it was more by the way them girls act around you"
"What can i say" i said smiling "my parents blessed me with pengness"
She laughed.
"Do you have a gf now?"
"Whats her name?"
"I kneww it!"
I smiled
"Good for you baby"
"Thanks mum"
"Hows school and your gcse's and stuff"
"Mr smith wants me to do add maths and my science teacher wants me to do add science"
"That's good"
"Yh and i have a history controlled assessment tomorrow"
"On what?"
"Cold War"
"You revised"
"When i came in"
"Good" she kissed my forehead
"Keep up the good work "
I smiled and went back to my room.

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