Chapter 616

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Samantha's POV
So im 25 weeks pregnant now and im actually really excited about the babies
"Mum your bump is bigggg" Aaliyah said
"Ikr" i said rubbing it
"Its like almost the same size as her bump when Aysia was about to come"
"Rahhhh" Aysia looked shocked
"How many weeks left?" Isaac asked
"19" i smiled
"That's long"
"Yh i guess but time flies"
"Come on then" Jayden said
I took his hands
"Do you guys want anything?"
"Starbucks" Aysia and Aaliyah said
"Umm yhh"
"What you lots want"
"Caramel mocha"
"Mango and passion fruit"
"Strawberries and cream"
"Okay byee"
I have an appointment today. Because im having triplets they want to keep a closer eye on me because being pregnant with triplets is classed as a high risk pregnancy
"So Samantha, how you feeling?" Dr Kyle asked me
Tiana or Rhianna cant be my midwife this time because theyre gonna be off work themselves.
"Im okay"
"That's natural, you are carrying triplets"
I smiled
"Okay let's start"
"They look very healthy and theyre growing well" he said moving the traducer around on my stomach "you've been taking very good care of them" he smiled at me
"Thank you i smiled back"
"Have you been eating healthily?"
"He makes me" i said looking over to Jayden who smiled
Dr kyle chuckled "good good. Do you have any questions?"
"Oh yh, will the triplets be identical or non identical"
"Its very rare that they will be identical so im sure they will be non identical"
I nodded "okay"
"Anything else?"
"Are triplets delivered earlier than one baby or twins?"
"Yes, they normally come at around 34 weeks, when your water breaks but its okay for them to come after"
I nodded my head
Just then my midwife walked in. Her name is Chatlotte
"Hey guys"
"Right im gonna leave you to it" dr kyle smiled
"Thank you" both me and Jayden said
"No problem"
"So hows everything Samantha?" Charlotte asked taking out her portfolio
"Everything's good, just tired, kinda worried"
"Fatigue is normal, why so stressed?"
"Um idk tbh, Jayden always relaxes me but i guess its because we're gonna have to deal with 3 babies at once"
She nodded her head "i get what you mean, i had triplets and i thought about the same type of things"
"How did you deal with it?"
"Well when the triplets come, after a couple of weeks you get use to dealing with each of them and how to share time between them and your partner and not forget about the kids you already have. They might think you've forgotton about them. Especially the youngest. Aysia right?"
"So Aysia is probably use to being the baby of the house isnt she?"
I nodded
"Also because shes a girl she gets a lot of attention along with Aaliyah right?"
"Yh theyre daddy's princesses" i said smiling making Jayden smile
"Yh so they might feel abit pushed to the side. Isaac on the other hand, being the only boy is use to looking out for his sisters and being the oldest, by like a couple of seconds," she laughed making us laugh too "can maybe help entertain the other two and look after the triplets also"
I nodded "that's really smart, I'll take that into account"
She smiled "see you inna couple of weeks. Byee guys"
"Byee thank you"
We left the hospital and routed starbucks

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