Chapter 621

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Aaliyah's POV
This party is going to BANG! Im actually so excited. And obvs we get to show off the new house. Me Isaac and the rest of the squad started to set up. We put like decoration going up the stairs that lead to the arcade room and the cinema room. The games room downstairs is also gonna be open. All of the other bedrooms are gonna be locked and in the lift we're covering all the buttons apart from the one that goes to the floor with the arcade and cinema. We set up the music and the speakers and some small room lights ready for the party. When we finally finished all of that, it was 7:45. The party starts at 9:00 so we started to get ready. I had a quick shower and so did Rhea and Kasia and them i creamed, put on underwear and looked at all my clothes. I didnt know what to wear foreal. I walked around my closet for like 10 minutes and i proper didnt know what to wear.
Rhea and Kasia walked into my closet looking buff as fuck Mann
Kasia was wearing this black crop top with a black pencil skirt and black huaraches her hair was mad curly and in a pony tail
Rhea was wearing a red bodycon dress with love hair huaraches. Her hair was straight and left down. They both had jewellery on aswell and eyebrows on fleek obviously
"You two look peng"
They both flicked their hair "thanks"
I giggle
"Why you taken so long?" Rhea asked
"Idk what to wear" i shrugged
"You have hella birthday presents on your bed. There must be something there" Kasia said
"True" we walked back into my room and i looked through the clothes on my bed
"Nahh who got you this?" Rhea asked holding up some pengpeng leopard print dress with a gold belt
"Oh Isaac got me that"
"Rahh that's mad buff" Kasia said
"Hmm tru, imma wear that then"
I put on the dress and adjusted my hair
"Rahh your body is banging"
I smiled abit "thank you"
"What shoes your wearing?"
"What about your hair"
"Um i want it wavy"
They put some hair things in my hair to make it wavy and i left it down with a middle parting. I put on the chain Isaac got me and some gold hoop earrings
I turned to the girls
"You look peng"
I flicked my hair "thanks"
We took a couple picture together then separately and then went downstairs

Tyrell's POV
"Shitttt" i mumbled
My girl was looking fucking sexy. Cant wait to take that dress offa her 😏
I stood up and took her hand and we walked into a different room.
"You look beautiful baby" i bit my lip and pree'd how sexy her body is
She smiled "thank you"
I kissed her lips and we walked back into the room
"Take a picture of me and Isaac please" i said giving my phone to Tyrell
He took a couple pictures of me and Isaac together then there were pics of Isaac and Rhea them me and Tyrell. Theyre so cute
My parents came down stairs
"You guys look nice"
"Thanks" we all smiled
"Have fun" mum smiled
"I want there to be a house here when i come back"
We all laughed
"Yes dad"
"Happy birthday"
"Thanks" me and Isaac smiled and with that they left.
We started to out valuables away and locked the doors to all the rooms that are out of bounds. By now it was like 9:10
Me and Isaac opened the front door and there were hella people here already
Let's get this part started

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