Chapter 480

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Imani's POV
Ajay's walking me home today and i think that's so cute. As we walked down the road, he held onto my hand. My heart started to beat so fast. I get really nervous when im around him. I tried to calm down so my hands don't get sweaty.
We got to my front door and we turned to eachother. I looked deep into his hazel eyes. Ahhh hes acc' peng.
He leaned in and kissed!
Ajay kissed me!
Ajay kissed me, Imani!
He pulled away and winked at me "see you later Imani"
I smiled "bye Ajay"
I walked into the house smiling from ear to ear. My dad came out the kitchen with his bottle of water.
"Why so happy?"
"He kissed me" i smiled
He choked on his water "he what?"
"He kissed me" i smiled again
Dad just gave me a look and mum walked into the hallway
"Why so happy?"
"He kissed me" i smiled
"Ahhhhhhhh!" Mum started squealing
I smiled even more. Me and mum walked into the living room and dad just stood by the kitchen, baffed. Looool

Ajay's POV
I smiled to myself as i walked into the house. Imani's lips are actually bare soft. Shes a good kisser aswell
"Hi Ajay" Amirah said from the top of the stairs
"Hii" i smiled at her.
She raised an eyebrow "why so happy?"
"Nothing" i shrugged
"Hmmm... you're lying"
I shrugged and chuckled
"Omdz you kissed her innit?!"
I laughed and walked into the living room
"Omdz!" She squealed "MUM, DAD, AJAY KISSED IMANI!!"

Aaliyah's POV
A tear rolled down my face "um, i-i need some time"
He sighed and he looked so apologetic. I felt bad eventhough ik i shouldn't.
He pulled me in for another kiss.
"Aaliyah, i love you"
I sighed and he left the room. I layed back on the bed as the tears streamed down my face. What am i suppose to do? Am i meant to break up with him?
But i love him...

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