Chapter 60

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(Picture of David Harris)
Janelle's POV
I was acc in tears. Why is it everytime im upset its because of him. Its one thing raping me, but my mum how could he? I cried on Jerome's shoulder as the officers asked some questions.
"Why didnt you tell your mum you got raped when it happened"
I looked deep into the officers' eyes
"I couldn't"
"Why not?"
"He said he'll kill me" i cried more
"What did-"
"Um i think that's enough questions for now" Jerome cut her off as another officer walked in
"Im David Harris. I was just speaking to Janelle's mum"
"Well i dont think Janelle is fit for anymore questions. Shes pregnant and i dont want her going through all this stress"
"We respect your wishes. For now have a merry christmas and we'll speak at a later date." They said walking out
"Wait" they turned around
"W-will he get bail?"
"Your mother asked the same question" he smiled
"At this date we're not sure but as soon as we find out we'll let you know" and with that, Jerome walked them to the door.

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