Chapter 51

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Jerome's POV
I sat on the bed next to Janelle and she rested her head on my shoulder.
"Whats on your mind babe"
She sighed
"I told you about my past. I felt like a failure like i wasnt good enough for my dad. I wanted him to love me like a father loves his daughter. I think about our wedding and the fact that I'm not going to get the chance to have the first dance with my own father. It hurts and i dnt think he understands what hes done to me. And for years ive bottled everything up and what happened between us triggered some of it to release. The only way ik to release it is by cutting. Some people say that you shouldn't cut. People say self harmers do it for attention. Not me. Cutting acc makes me feel better. Its a way to release my anger, hurt and pain. Yes, when you cut it helps you release those feelings and you start to feel good about urself. But that cant last forever. Everytime i cut, i release more
Pain hurt and anger. And everytime i cut, they get deeper. I've been cutting for 12 years of my life its what i do when i feel like this. When i was younger there was no-one there for me. I don't blame my mum because if she done something about it, my dad would definitely do something to her and make me watch it and i hated it. I've never had someone in my life to be there for me and comfort me and support me through hard times and you've been there for me and i don't really kno how to react to that. I got really attached to you and when i saw you talking to that girl i thought we had lost everything"
I listend to every word she said. It really touched my heart. She started crying and i held her and i cried with her.
"Baby dw i got you. I will always be here for you b"
She hugged me tight and fell asleep in my arms. I carried her to our room and layed her on the bed under the duvet. I went back into the guest room we were in and cleaned up making everything look brand new. I went back into me and Janelle's room. She was sound asleep. I layed next to her and got close to her body and fell asleep.

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