Chapter 361

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3days later -
Samantha's POV
We were back from our honeymoon and it was actually amazing. But i think i might've caught something in Hawaii because every morning i wake up feeling sick and vomitting. I have a doctors appointment later today to see whats going on.
I sat at the dining table wearing my glasses and carried on to sketch some designs. I sketch in here or in the study, sometimes in bed. I've been sketching designed for clothes and shoes since i finished uni as a hobby. I like to draw when im bored. Its time consuming and i like making thinks look nice.
Jayden walked in and sat next to me at the dining table. I could feel him staring at me. I took off my glasses and looked at him.
"No put them back on"
He bit his lip "you look sexy"
I flicked my hair "what can i say, what can i say?"
He chuckled. He flicked through my sketch book.
"Baby these look really nice"
"Thank you"
"Why don't you be a designer or a model?"
I thought for a moment "idk. I don't think i like the fact that people will look at me"
He chuckled "well think of it like this. If you model your own clothes, your helping the population look better"
I laughed "i guess so"
"Are you happy with your job now?"
"No its boring"
"see. You enjoy sketching so you should think about it babe" he kissed my forehead
"Hmm yhh, I'll think about it"

Later on --
Me and Jayden left out to go and see Dr Kyle. My stomach was feeling really funny so i really want to know whats going on.

Jayden's POV
Tbh, i suspect that Samantha is pregnant but i don't want to suggest it to her because im not sure how she'll react. Shes always talking about kids but im not sure if she'll freak out. If the doctor tells her she is i want to see her facial expression. Im sure shes going to be happy about it. Im already happy about it.
"Samantha Smith Richardson Riley?"
I smiled, i like the sound of that.
We stood up hand in hand and walked into Dr kyle's room.
"Well first off id like to say congratulations guys!"
"Thank you" we both smiled

Samantha's POV
"So Samantha, whats up?"
"Well we went Florida and Hawaii for our honeymoon-"
"Nicee" he smiled and nodded
"Yh and i think i might've caught something because I've been waking up feeling really sick"
"I see. Hmm. Well imma take your temperature and blood pressure to see if theres anything unusual"
When he did all of that, he wrote some stuff down.
"Okay well all of this is normal" he went to get a small container.
"Urinate in this and we'll see if we can find anything there"
I went into the bathroom and urinated into the thing. My aim is actually amazing tbh. LOOOL
I washed my hands and went back into the room. Dr kyle took it to test and left me and Jayden.
He smiled at me.
"Babe i was thinking about what you said earlier"
"and i think i want to take up a new profession"
He kissed my cheek "good for you baby. You gonna be my sexy model"
I laughed and leaned my head on his shoulder
"And designer" i added
He nodded "yhh"
Dr Kyle walked back in with a smile on his face.
"Well" he started
"Yh..." I pushed
Jayden held onto my hand
"You're pregnant!"
A big smile came across my face and i turned to Jayden who was smiling
"I knew it" he said
"We're gonna have a baby!!!" I was so happy
"Congratulations guys. Im going to prescribe you with some vitamin tablets to help the growth of your baby. There are some sweet like ones if you don't like the tablets. You'll get a letter when you're due for an ultra scan" he smiled
"Thank you" we said as we left.
You cant imagine how happy i am right now!

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