Chapter 144

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Sapphire's POV
"Ughhhhh the baby must be ready now ffs" i was getting so pissed off. Like in hurting atm.
They checked to see if my princess was ready.
"Shes ready"
Just then i got a contraction. I pushed for as long and as hard as i could. I was screaming now, like my fucking vagina is hurting. Damien was comforting me and all. He made me feel better.
A couple minutes after all of the screaming and pushing, i heard Samantha's first cries. it bought tears to my eyes.
"Here's your daughter" they said handing her to me she was wrapped in a towel.
Damien and i peered over at her.
"Ahh, shes beautiful"
"Just like you"

Janelle's POV
Jayden was soo beautiful. I handed him over to Jerome and our parents walked in.
"How you feeling Janelle?"
They went over to look at Jayden
"Hes adorable"
Jerome left them with him and came and layed with me.
"Well done babe" he said kissing my head

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