Chapter 106

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Janelle's POV
I think ive calmed my roast down... A bit... For now.
I was in the kitchen sitting at the counter with my pringles. Yh i still had a craving for that. Sapphire craved prawn cocktail walkers. Jerome and Damien went out to buy food for the house seeing as me and Sapphire eat everything.
I held my stomach
"You orite?"
"Yh, hes kicking"
"Ahh let's feel"
She came over and put her hand on my stomach.
"Arwhhh, mine hasnt started yet"
"It should soon"
Just then the door opened and Damien and Jerome came into the kitchen.
"Babe! Hes kicking!"
He put down the bags and put his hand on my stomach
"Aye hes strong for someone who hasnt fully developed yet"
We laughed
"Dr kyle is coming over today"
"Issit, how comes"
"Just a check up"
Him and Damien started packing away the groceries.
Me and Sapphire went to 'help' and by that i mean pick out the things we want to eat. I took another tube of pringles and Sapphire took the walkers prawn cocktail
"Guys its not everyday" Damien said
"Yhh" Jerome chimed in
Me and Sapphire looked at eachother then back at them.
"But we love you" we laughed. They shook their heads and carried on. I loved living with these guys.

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