Chapter 488

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Aaliyah's POV
"Aye sexy"
I rolled my eyes, they nearly got stuck in my head. I turned around.
"How many times have i told you my names Aaliyah?"
He started laughing.
"Did i buss a joke?" I screwed him.
"Relax babes" he said tryna put his arm around me
"Im not your babes" i said stepping back
"Aaliyah, why cant you just be mine?"
"Because Tyrone, i don't like you"
"You sure" he smirked
"1000 fucking percent" i said about to walk away. He grabbed my arm
"Don't swear at me"
"And what the fuck are you gonna do if i do?"
He started to get angry and pushed me against the wall. I rolled my eyes again
"Fuck outta my face"
"You need to stop swearing babes"
"I just told you im not your fucking babes and i can swear if i fucking like and you aint gonna do shit about it"
He grabbed my arm tighter.
"Let go of her"
We both turned to see Tyrell walk to us.
I clocked he got a new earring. He looks peng negl. I diverted my eyes...
"Let go of her"
"And who are you to tell me what to do?"
Tyrell rolled his eyes "just leave her alone shes obviously not interested"
My eyes started to water. I actually miss Tyrell bare. Isaac came around the corner.
"Whats going on here?"
"He wont get off her"
"Get off my sister"
Tyrone kissed his teeth.
"Don't get bright, leave her alone"
Tyrone turned to me
"Tyrone, get off of me" i said close to tears. He looked into my eyes and then let go of me. A tear rolled down my face and i quickly wiped it away. Isaac gave me a reassuring look and then walked away. I was about to quickly walk away but Tyrell stopped me. He looked into my eyes and i couldn't help but look into his. He looked down at my lips then back at my eyes.
"Aaliyah, please take me back" he said holding my arms.
Another tear rolled down my face. I didnt say anything.
"I love you Aaliyah"
"I love you too Tyrell" more tears rolled down my face
He wiped my tears and then held the side of my face. He leaned in and kissed me. Ahhh, i really missed him.

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