Chapter 127

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Janelle's POV
I woke up in Jerome's arms. I could feel his heart beat under my chest. Today was New Year's Eve! That's one bit closer till Jayden's born. I felt kisses on my neck. I never knew Jerome was awake.
"Morning babe"
"Morning beautiful"
I went to go put on one of his tops and sat up in bed. I put a hand on my stomach. Jayden started to kick.
"Baby, hes kicking"
He put his hand on my stomach and felt around. I put my hand ontop of his and we felt his kicking.
"Baby's a fighter" i smiled. I really want to know what hes going to look like.
Is he gonna have green eyes like his dad or brown like mine? Or both?
The baby was due in early March and Sapphire was due late March. I cant wait.

Sapphire's POV
I couldn't sleep. My little princess was moving around a lot. I slowly moved Damien's arm from on top of mine and pushed myself off of the bed. I feel so fat. I walked around the room holding my stomach.
"Whats up babe?"
"Shes moving a lot"
"Come 'ere" he said patting the bed. I pulled myself on the bed and sat beside him. He put his hand on my stomach and started rubbing it. He kissed my stomach and then i put my head on his shoulder.
"Shes going to beautiful. Just like you babe"

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