Chapter 143

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Sapphires POV
"UGHHHHHHHHHHH" OMG it hurts so much it hurts it hurts it hurts!!
I held onto Damien's hand and breathed in the gas. Damien's parents were enroute to the hospital.
"Okay Sapphire you're not fully dialated yet so the baby isn't coming for now"
I was gonna go mad but before i said anything Damien stepped in
"Okay thanks doc" and with that the doctor left
WTF! How can the baby not be ready to come out. Im literally screaming my insides out. I felt sick. I started breathing in more of the gas and tried to calm down. This process needs to hurry up.

Janelle's POV
"Push push push!!"
Why the fuck do they keep telling me to do that? If i get a fucking contraction, im not just gonna lay here am i? Ofc im gonna fucking push. The contractions stopped and i was out of breath.
"Call us if it starts again"
They walked out
"You're doing well babe" Jerome said coming to tie my hair up
"Thank you. Your making me feel good about this. These doctors are pissing me the fuck off"
He smiled "i guess we got to let them do there job" i squeezed his hand
No one had to call the doctors in because they could hear me. I was loud.
I pushed and pushed screaming for my life.
"I can see his head!"
I pushed harder and screamed louder and i heard the first cried of my baby. Jerome smiled and i held his hand tighter. My eyes started to water. I did it.

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