Chapter 193

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Jayden's POV
I got on the bus. I made some text and phone calls. I need to know where Tyreece is. I'm not going to hurt him or anything. Ive learnt how to channel my anger through speech. Well that's what my anger management instructor taught me. I found out that tyreece was going to at the park with his friends playing football @12. It was 11:45 now so I'll be there by 12

At the park~~~
It was 10 past 12. I went to the football pitch and tyreece was there with his friends. I ran on to the pitch, stole the ball and started doing some kick ups before holding the ball in my hands.
"Kl Jayden?"
I looked him dead in his eyes and gave him the dirtiest screw.
"Right you guys need to listen to me and listen good. Don't be taking my sister and the rest of my family for pricks. Orite?"
Some of them nodded
"Yh" they all said
"Good. Don't talk to my sister. Dont touch my sister. Dont look at my sister. Don't think about my sister. Dont talk about my sister. Do you understand?"
"Yes" everyone said apart from tyreece.
"Tyreece this started because of you -"
He tried to punch me in my face. Really? I grabbed his fist and pulled his arm up behind his back.
"Do you understand what i just told you?"
He didnt reply. I pulled his arm up higher
"Orite orite i understand"
"If i find out you- or any of you do anything to my sister, i swear to God you will not want to come near me. And say sorry to her. All of you. And not just some 'im sorry'. I want a paragraph from all of you to her telling her why your sorry and you wont do it again and i will be checking. Understand?"
"Orite den"
I dropped the ball to the floor and kicked it into the goal and made my way back home.

an hour later ~~~
Samantha's POV
I heard Jayden come home. He went straight upstairs to his room. I guess hes still not speaking to me.

Jayden's POV
I thought about going to speak to Samantha. I cant stay mad at her, we live in the same house. I went to her room and opened the door. She looked up at me and stood up.
"Jayden im so-"
I kissed her. I held the side of her face and she held mine. I moved my hand down around her waist and she moved her hands around my neck. I pulled away
"Its okay i spoke to Jaydene. She said u were only keeping a promise and i respect that"
She smiled at me and kissed my cheek.
"How is she?" She said sitting in the bed.
"Shes calm, i went to go see tyreece and his friends"
"Wht did you do?" She sounded scared
"Dw just spoke. He tried to punch me but i have sick reflexes." She laughed.
I told her what happned when i went
"Have tht apologised yet?"
"Idk" just then my phone started ringing.
"Hi jaydene"
"Thank you for whatever you said to tyreece and his friends"
"Your welcome, do you feel better now?"
"Yh much better, ily Jay"
"Ily tooo"
I guess they apologised then. I put my phone down
"They apologise?"
She started to play with the necklace i bought her.
"You like it?"
"I love it"
I smiled and winked at her.
She looked down
"Whats up?"
"Jayden, i have mad feelings for you. Like ive never felt like this way about a boy before" she said looking deep into my eyes. "I really do love you"
"I really love you too" i said and i pulled in for another kiss.

If it's meant to beNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ