Chapter 110

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Jade's POV
I told Daniel about the feeling i get in my stomach. He said that's what love feels like. I was kinda taken back. I've never felt like this before. Noones ever made me feel like this.
"Babe you're overthinking"
"Im just a bit confused"
"People get butterflies like you did, it happens when your nervous or maybe when you talk to someone you like or make physical contact with them" he said putting his hand on my thigh. I got some butterflies again
"Did it just happen then?"
"Well then, its coz you like me"
"But i dont"
"Hm?" He looked confused
"I don't just like you"
There was a pause
"I love you Daniel"
"You sound unsure"
"Its just ive never loved someone like this before" he pulled me in for a hug
"I love you to baby"

Daniel's POV
It was reassuring to hear Jade talk like that after what she done to my bro. I guess she didnt love him like she loves me. Im just praying she stays loyal. I cant go through another girl fucking about when i have mad feelings for them. It tears me up inside.

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