3.8 - Su Yang: Whose father is this? Take away, take away

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In the imperial study room, the candle was burning, and occasionally made a small sound. The palace maid picked the wick, and the candle light became much brighter.

Die'er knelt in front of Emperor Tianqi, her head lowered, but her hands were so scared that they were trembling slightly.

After a while, Emperor Tianqi said, "I understand, you can go down."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Die'er kowtowed and stood up, turned around and walked outside, then disappeared into the palace wall wearing a black robe.

"Bang!" There was a loud sound. Manager Wu knelt down in fear and lowered his body and said, "Your Majesty, please calm down! Your Majesty, please calm down!"

"Okay, very good!" The calmness on Emperor Tianqi's face cracked slightly, revealing a trace of ferocity. The kindness he usually showed has disappeared without a trace. He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "The crime of deceiving the emperor! His crime deserves to be punished! My prince, this is my prince! He deceived me for three years, he deserves to die!"

"Your Majesty, calm down!" Manager Wu knelt on the ground and shivered. He didn't dare to say anything else except these words. The broken porcelain pieces fell to the ground, and the hot tea splashed on Manager Wu's hand, burning him. He was shocked, but he didn't even dare to move.

"Summon the prince into the palace." The emperor's face was cold, and his tone was cold as he said, "The prince is summoned secretly, and no one should be alarmed."

When Die'er returned to the East Palace, the night was already deep. She added some lamp oil to the lamp in the study as usual, but the person who was still reading the memorial at that moment was no longer in the East Palace.

Die'er slowly knelt down, facing the empty chair.

Su Yang was not taken to the imperial study, but to a side hall. This place had been in disrepair for many years. The corners were full of spider silk. There were also footprints on the snow outside. Su Yang knelt on the ground, and in front of him was Emperor Tianqi. .

"In the twenty-third year of the Apocalypse, there were floods in the south. The second prince of this dynasty was ordered to patrol the south. There was a sudden heavy rain in the Jiangling area and he disappeared." Emperor Tianqi looked at Su Yang who was kneeling on the ground expressionlessly and said, "Prince Do you have anything to explain?"

"The second emperor's brother Ji Ren has his own destiny." Su Yang said.

A fierce look passed over Emperor Tianqi's face. He took a deep breath and kicked Su Yang hard on the shoulder, knocking him down. His shoulder bones seemed to be broken, and his forehead hurt. He suddenly broke out in cold sweat, almost got up, and knelt on the ground again.

"The prince has been in power for three years and has kept it from me for three years. Now I will give you another chance to tell me where the second prince is?" Emperor Tianqi's tone was full of murderous intent. He looked at his son who was kneeling in front of him. , there was no trace of fatherly tenderness in his eyes, only the ruthlessness of the emperor, he said, "Don't force me, Prince."

"I don't know what my father is referring to. I have nothing to tell you," Su Yang said.

Manager Wu on the side quickly advised, "His Royal Highness, just say it. You and the Emperor are stubborn, and you are the one who will suffer."

Su Yang did not change his story no matter what. Emperor Tianqi's eyes became colder and colder, with madness for power and suspicion of Su Yang in his eyes. This suspicion almost overwhelmed his reason.


After Shen Xingting took the jade pendant back, he thought about it, always thinking of Su Yang kneeling on the ground vomiting blood, and couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

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