1.10 - I don't want to know the process, I just want to see the results

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1.10 - Lu Linshen: I don't want to know the process, I just want to see the results

Jiang Fei was drunk and unconscious. After being helped to the bed, he kept shouting "heat" and pulling on his clothes. Su Yang folded his arms and leaned aside, thinking about how to deal with it later.

[888: Jiang Fei put something in the wine he drank. If nothing else happens, we will see the romantic news about you two early tomorrow morning. 】

[Su Yang: Not interested. 】

Although he likes to play, he only plays for fun and does not take away his emotions or his heart.

The phone kept vibrating. Su Yang was playing with it, but he didn't hang up, let alone answer the phone. Jiang Fei didn't know when he sat up on the bed, his eyes fell on Su Yang, and he said hoarsely, " Su Yang...I'm hot."

"Bear it." Su Yang sat on the sofa with his legs slightly crossed and said, "Someone will take you to the hospital later."

Jiang Fei glanced at Su Yang aggrievedly. Although he was a little confused, he still maintained a trace of clarity and controlled himself not to do anything out of the ordinary.

Chen Mingyang had calculated everything, including Jiang Fei and Su Yang's preferences, and the time for the others to leave. He only misjudged Jiang Fei's drinking capacity.

"Who are you?" Chen Mingyang's frightened and angry voice came from downstairs. After a while, heavy objects were heard falling to the ground, and various noisy sounds were mixed together. Then, these sounds disappeared, and only Chen Mingyang was heard. The tone suddenly rose, "Mr. Lu!"

When Su Yang heard this, his hand paused slightly, his eyebrows raised, and there was a smile on his lips.

[888: In my opinion, Lu Linshen is now ready to kill Chen Mingyang. 】

[Su Yang: One arrow and three eagles. I am the archer. Lu Linshen, Bai Yingying, and Cheng Mingyang are all my prey. 】

[888: I see, Jiang Fei has unknowingly become your chess piece, Lord Host. 】

[Su Yang: Don't say it so harshly, he is my friend. 】

When 888 first cooperated with Su Yang, he once believed that his host was a kind and simple good person. Later, he discovered that things were not as simple as imagined.

At least it was deceived more than once.

When the footsteps sounded, Su Yang relaxed his shoulders slightly and leaned on the sofa. He wet the towel on the table and threw it to Jiang Fei. The footsteps outside were getting closer and closer. When he reached the door, the door lock rang. A sound.

"Click——" The door is locked.

"Open the door." Su Yang heard Lu Linshen's voice. He glanced at his phone. It had only been five minutes since he received the text message. Jiang Fei was holding a soaked towel and felt a little embarrassed all over. Su Yang thought for a while and thought He put his feet on the tea table in front of him, listened to the sound of the door lock outside, and kicked the tea table over with a sudden force. The cups and teapots on it fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

The loud noise stunned the people outside, and then they heard a loud bang and the door was kicked open.

When Lu Linshen came in, he saw Su Yang sitting on the ground. There were water stains and glass fragments everywhere on the floor of the room. Jiang Fei was huddled in the corner holding a wet towel. Lu Linshen couldn't care about anything else and immediately walked towards Su Yang. Come, squat down, carefully check Su Yang's condition, and ask nervously, "Su Yang, how are you?"

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