2.7 - 888: The realism level is maxed out, and your love value is also cleared

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"I've shown you all the lines that need to be said. Just follow the procedure later." Mu Cheng had long been used to such scenes, so he didn't take it to heart. Instead, he whispered, "Your voice It's not suitable to talk yet, so try to speak as little as possible."

After he finished speaking, he reached out and helped Su Yang out of the car.

"Ah! Su Yang!"

"elder brother!"

"Brother, look at me! Brother!"

"Yangyang! Look at me, I'm here...so handsome!"


In addition to the media and organizers, there were many fans at the scene, but they were all stopped aside. Seeing Su Yang at this time, he almost broke through the security guard. Su Yang took off his sunglasses, revealing his handsome face. He smiled slightly, made a quiet gesture to the fans, and then walked from the red carpet to the stage.

The flashbulbs on the side kept pointing at Su Yang. The media had already prepared all kinds of tricky questions, waiting for Su Yang to answer. In fact, no matter how he answered, the media could always find some points to make a big fuss about.

This is a small on-site press conference, mainly for the hot search questions some time ago, and to promote the popularity of participating in the new variety show "Are You Scared?"

"Hello everyone, welcome to today's personal press conference." Su Yang's voice was hoarse with a slight smile, causing other fans to scream. Su Yang gently shook his hand to signal them to be quiet. , and then continued, "My voice has not been in good condition recently. The doctor advised me to talk less, so I will keep my words short."

"Yangyang, please pay attention to your health!" Fans said while waving their support items, "Don't go to the hospital again, we feel sorry for you!"

Su Yang raised the corners of his lips slightly, raised his eyes to look at the fan, and laughed hoarsely, "Shh, wait until my press conference is over before I talk to you, okay? I have a sore throat, don't make me work too hard. Okay?"

"Okay!" The fans' uniform voices shook the press conference, and all media outlets saw Su Yang's terrifying popularity.

"This press conference is mainly to clarify the hot topics that were searched some time ago. First of all, I did quit the crew of "Moisturizing Things Silently", but it was not because of being a big name or being bullied, but because Because the crew temporarily changed the schedule and it overlapped with the variety show schedule I had arranged before, I had to give up one of them and was unable to participate in the drama "Moisturizing Things Silently", which is really a pity."

Su Yang recited all the words in the manuscript word for word. These were all the words prepared by Mu Cheng for him. Su Yang believed that since Mu Cheng would arrange this, it is estimated that Mu Cheng had already communicated with "Moisturizing Things Silently" 》The person in charge of the crew communicated with each other and unanimously determined that it was a scheduling issue, and it was caused by the temporary change of schedule by the crew of "Moisturizing Things Silently".

It's just that media reporters are all smart people and are not that easy to fool.

"Secondly, regarding the drama "Du Yang", I did participate in the audition, but I am not sure whether I can star in it. I hope I can get this opportunity. I am an actor. I hope to try many roles and perform different performances. The role brings a very good visual experience to the audience, which is what I should do as an actor."

After Su Yang said two paragraphs, he paused slightly, and the assistant immediately came up and handed him a glass of water. After he drank it, his throat felt better, and he explained, "Sorry, I almost lost my voice... I wasted everyone's time. Okay, let's continue now."

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