s*t*a*r*s 4 - pt 67

Start from the beginning

            “Transferred?” asks Sydney.

            “Sex,” says Tegan, holding the book and saying, “Let’s go.”

            Sydney doesn’t have to reach out and touch Tegan, instead, the rift of the portal tendrils out and envelops Tegan. 

            “That was weird,” whispers Tegan. “You reached out and grabbed me with your power.”

            Spencer writhes on the tiled floor of the bathroom.  Her eyes clamped shut when Natalie and Jayden come charging up the stairs.

            “They had sex,” says Tegan.

            “I figured that much,” says Natalie.

            “It transferred the DarkHeart connection to her,” says Tegan.

            Natalie’s eyes grow wide.  “Spencer,” she whispers.  “Everyone please get back, I know you want to help, but this could be dangerous.”

            “She’s my…,” begins Rylee.

            “I know,” says Natalie.  “But I can’t risk any of your getting hurt.  Just hang back, please?”  Natalie’s voice isn’t commanding, nor is she ordering, she’s asking in a soft tone.  She puts her hand on Rylee’s cheek.  “Trust me.”

            They all ease away and Natalie creeps into the bathroom.

            Spencer writhes on the floor, her arms over her head, screaming into the tiled floor.  It’s to much, there is to much information and she simply can’t handle it.  Pain, the hate for Jo, missing a father she never knew, wanting to be normal, to go to school, to be loved, to know people.

            Natalie reaches out and touches Spencer’s shoulder and a flash of amber wraps around Natalie's fingers and then is gone.  “Spence?”

            “Nonononononononono,” moans Spencer.  She cradles her head and is rocking back and forth on her knees. 

            Natalie kneels and pulls Spencer to her, wrapping her arms around her gently.  “S’okay, let it come, Spence, let it just come to you, don’t fight it.  Let the memories come.”

            Spencer screams.

            Rylee backs away from the door and thuds into a bed.  Tegan grabs her and pulls her close.  “It’s okay, it’s okay.”

            “Our powers have changed,” whispers Sydney.  She flexes her hand and then stares at it.  Wondering what will happen next.

            Jayden gives Sydney a reproachful look.  “What do you mean?”

            “I can teleport things without touching them, or Spencer powering me.  Abby’s powers are orange now.  This – this DarkHeart thing has connected us and changed us,” whispers Sydney. 

            Tegan’s eyes flutter closed and she stops time.  She opens them and finds the whole room frozen.  Even her friends.  She lets go of Rylee, who is unmoving and walks around the room.  Each of her friends is encased in a shell of green power.  “Holy Batman, tune in next week, same bat time, same bat station, I can pause the world.”



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