Chapter 106 - 107 - 108 - 109 -110

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"Where is the evil spirit, dare to break into my Liao's house at night!"

Patriarch Liao was wearing gray silk home clothes and holding a mahogany sword, standing on the marble floor of the manor and shouting angrily.

Ping Yi smiled coldly, the old guy noticed it quickly enough.

The movement here immediately attracted the attention of others.

Not long after, the Liao family courtyard was brightly lit, and almost everyone came out, including Liao Xiao and Huang Yin.

"Yu Chun, Ping Yi?" Liao Xiao looked at the two of them, his face full of puzzlement.

Patriarch Liao narrowed his eyes slightly, "Boss Xue, Boss Hou, and members of the Wang family of the Celestial Masters Association, what do you mean?"

During the day, Xue Liang and Hou Qing went to Liao's company, and he personally received them, so naturally they would not forget them. After he came back, he heard his youngest son mention that people from the Wang family of the Celestial Masters Association had come, and he quickly figured out why.

They split up into two ways to investigate the Liao family, what was the matter?

"Patriarch Liao, we only want one person!" Yu Chun stepped forward and said.

"Who?" Patriarch Liao looked at Yu Chun closely.

Yu Chun was not caught by his aura, "Zhang Ling of the Zhang Family of the Celestial Masters Association!"

"Zhang Ling?" Patriarch Liao was taken aback when he heard the words, "Zhang Ling did come, but he left three days ago."

"Are you sure?" Yu Chun sneered.

"Of course I'm sure. I had him staying at the Liao's house for a while, but Zhang Ling left the next day and left a note saying he had left beforehand." Patriarch Liao frowned slightly.

Yu Chun took out the twin compass, the last time he besieged Abe Seimei, Patriarch Liao saw the power of the twin compass with his own eyes, but the power of a single compass was greatly reduced.

Holding up the twin compass, Yu Chun slightly closed his eyes, only to see a dazzling red light from the compass, directly hitting the ground.

Patriarch Liao clenched his fists tightly, and his bad premonition grew stronger.

Ping Yi took out the golden arrowhead and threw it directly at the place pointed by the red light.

There was a loud bang, and the ground trembled, revealing a deep pit.

A gap in the light blue barrier was destroyed, revealing all the ugliness in front of everyone.

A dark light flashed in the eyes of Patriarch Liao, and he said in amazement: "Why is there a basement under my Liao family ancestor's house!"

In the basement, countless imprisoned souls flew out, heading straight for Huang Yin beside Liao Xiao.

On the contrary, Liao Xiao was not attacked by these souls.

"Xiao Yin!" Liao Xiao immediately took out the exorcism talisman and helped Huang Yin drive away the soul.

Unexpectedly, there were more and more evil spirits and ghosts, and they began to attack the Liao family indiscriminately.

"Xue Liang stay up there, let's go down!" Ping Yi pulled Yu Chun up.

Down below, countless ghosts were howling, and some inhuman or ghostly things were fleeing.

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