Chapter 40 - 41

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At night, the two slept in a color steel room.

Although there are two wire beds inside, the breathing of each other can still be heard.

Yu Chun told himself in his heart that it was not the big zongzi who slept in the next bed, but that guy Wu Yong, who used to have it when his brothers slept in the bunk.

But that guy Wu Yong was snoring so loudly that he was not as quiet as Ping Yi.

Obviously they slept together the day before, why did they feel weird today.

Little did he know, the change in his heart had unknowingly affected him.

In the middle of the night, Yu Chun fell asleep in a daze.

At this time, Ping Yi turned over, but his night vision eyes were looking at Yu Chun's sleeping face tenderly, and he couldn't tell whether he was excited or peaceful in his heart.

The next day, Professor Song took the results of the previous day's identification and arranged for people to start exploring the prescription.

The so-called exploring square is to divide the excavation area into several equal squares, and divide the excavation according to the square as the unit.

After roughly finding the location of the tomb, everyone started excavating.

According to the soil quality and color, the deposits are distinguished, and the relationship between early and late is determined. The late ones are excavated first, and the early ones are excavated later. The remains are revealed according to the original appearance, and the specimens are collected by unit.

Yu Chun finally had a place to use, just as they expected, there were cultural relics on the upper floor.

"Xiaochun, come and help me." Wearing gloves, Han Xu took out a horn-shaped jade cup from the soil layer.

Yu Chun trotted over immediately, and Ping Yi followed Yu Chun, responsible for recording the cultural relics.

Because of the need to protect these unearthed cultural relics, everyone's actions are very careful, so the progress of the work is not fast.

Professor Song took the detector and found that the lower part of the central square is hollow, that is to say, the lower part is the ancient tomb, and the reason for the cultural relics appearing on the upper part remains to be investigated.

I just don't know whether the ancient tomb below is a suspected tomb or a real mausoleum.

For three days in a row, everyone was completing the exposure, collection, and recording of these cultural relics on the surface.

Until the fourth day, Professor Song ordered someone to dig a hole.

The location of the hole was calculated by him based on the five elements and eight trigrams in ancient times, and it will not damage the main tomb.

Ping Yi looked at these people tossing around, and didn't know what character was buried underneath.

If you are willing to reincarnate, it's good to be reincarnated early, otherwise these people will definitely be hated.

Even if they can't practice at home and can't do anything serious, it can still make these people sick for a year or so.

"Professor, the vertical excavation is successful, and the exploration hole has been opened!" Several people in charge of drilling the hole shouted loudly.

Professor Song walked over immediately with Yu Chun and others. According to the old method, after an hour of ventilation, an oil lamp was placed underneath to determine whether there was hypoxia.

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