Chapter 16 Ghost Press

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After received, there still a bowl of noodles, Yu Chun picked up the spoon and ate again.

Seeing Yu Chun eating his leftover noodles without hesitation, the corners of Ping Yi's mouth curled up slightly, the upward arc was not too big, but it warmed people's hearts.

"Yu Chun!"

Just as the two were dining here, a voice sounded beside them.

Yu Chun held the noodles in his mouth, looked to the side, chewed a few times and swallowed the noodles, "Dayong!"

The person who came was none other than Wu Yong, one of Yu Chun's bad friends.

Wu Yong sat down next to Yu Chun and called the proprietress for a bowl of wonton noodles.

Ping Yi took a look at Wu Yong, compared to the first time he met, this person's complexion was very bad, Yintang was faintly darkened, and he looked like he was going to be unlucky.

"Dayong, I told you that you haven't slept for several nights, be careful of sudden death while playing games." Yu Chun took a sip of the noodle soup.

Wu Yong looked at Yu Chun desperately, and said mysteriously: "What about playing games, let me tell you, I was crushed by ghosts."

Hearing this, Yu Chun burst out laughing.

Wu Yong immediately covered his bowl of noodles so as not to be fed by him.

"Ghost pressure bed, I said you are not seven or eighty, why not be so superstitious." Yu Chun laughed, completely forgetting the scene of seeing a female ghost with his own eyes.

As if he had already guessed that Yu Chun didn't believe it, Wu Yong pointed to his dark circles, "Did you see that, in order to avoid ghosts pressing the bed, I haven't slept for several nights, but as long as I close my eyes, I still can't move. It's like zombies."

Yu Chun gave him a white look, "You still have zombie disease, you still have zombie disease, your so-called ghost press is just sleep paralysis."

Hearing this, Ping Yi looked at Yu Chun, not quite understanding the sleep paralysis he was talking about.

"What is sleep paralysis?" Let alone Ping Yi, a big zongzi, even Wu Yong, a modern person, has never heard of it.

Yu Chun took out a tissue, wiped his mouth, and said, "The so-called ghost press in your mouth is sleep paralysis. During sleep paralysis, you can hear voices, but you can't move your body, and you can't make a sound. It feels like someone is pressing on your chest, and you feel stuffy for a while, don't you?"

Wu Yong nodded again and again. This is how he felt when he was pressed by a ghost. For this reason, he went to the hospital for an examination to see if he had any incurable diseases. Facts have proved that he has a strong heart and a good kidney, and there is no hidden danger in his body.

Yu Chun continued: "That's right, a person's sleep cycle is in sequence the falling asleep period, the light sleep period, the deep sleep period, the deep sleep period, and finally the rapid eye movement period, which is the dreaming period.

Sleep paralysis is the rapid eye movement period that occurs during the sleep cycle when we fall into deep sleep and start dreaming.

During the rapid eye movement period, our skeletal muscles are in a state of extremely low tension except for the respiratory muscles and eye muscles. This is a protective effect, which can prevent us from hurting ourselves or the person next to us by making actions with the dream.

And sleep paralysis is because the consciousness is awake during the rapid eye movement period, but the muscles of the limbs are still in a state of low tension, resulting in the situation of not listening to the command of the consciousness, coupled with self-fear, resulting in hallucinations. "

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