When they meet you again (2/3)

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He knew it, he knew that the next time you both meet would be on the battlefield. Watching you from far away broke his heart. You clearly weren't here to talk but to fight. When he was close enough, he yelled he doesn't wish to harm you. When you replied with that it won't be a fun fight then, he clenched his fists, trying to contain his anger as he yelled not to think of this serious matter as a game and that you have killed innocent people. When you said they deserved it, he angrily yelled back you don't know that and you can't act as if you are God. When you smirked, saying you quite like the sound of that and now wonder if you can become a god, he was quick to attack you with a spell, yelling he won't let you get such power that you don't deserve. It was a fight of spells being thrown to each other, dodging spells and simply shouting things at each other. When he managed to cause some serious damage, he felt awful. Even when you are his enemy, he still loved you deep down in his heart. When you yelled this isn't over before teleporting away, clenching the wound with a frown, he let out a shaky sigh, rubbing his hands over his face. He wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted to break everything in sight. But he just sat down and hid his face in his hands for an hour.


She wanted to do this without innocent people dying, so she invited you for tea. You accepted, curious to see what she has in mind. As you both sat on the balcony, sipping tea and chatting, you got annoyed with how she's acting as if you are still the person from months ago, so you slammed down your cup, saying she's wasting your time and she better tell what she wants or you will leave. She stared before putting down her tea cup, nervously swallowing before she said this isn't what you want. You just stared before narrowing your eyes, asking what she would know what you want. She put her hand over yours, softly saying she's your girlfriend so she knows and the Devil is manipulating you, only to gasp when you slapped her hand away and got up, yelling she is wastig your time. When guards stormed over and held spears to you, Nadia was quick to hold her hands out to signal not to harm you. Even if you are the villain, she refused to believe you did this by yourself and you are simply being manipulated by the Devil. When you huffed and said she's a waste of time and you are leaving, she simply nod, ignoring the pain she felt in her chest as she watched you storm away as if she meant nothing to you.


He heard about you from people, but each time it was in another location so it was hard to get to you. When he was in that location finally, you had already teleported and killed someone else. It were always guards and criminals. He understood why you did it, but that does not mean you can get away with it. He mostly wanted to talk to you. While one day he was walking home, exhausted from all that running around, he almost jumped out his skin when you suddenly teleported in front of him. He wanted to talk when you angrily tapped his chest, asking why he's following. All he did was give you a little smile, saying he just wishes to talk. When you dropped your arm, he awkwardly moved around you before opening his door, motioning that you can come in. So both sat at the dining table, staring at each other. When you asked if he didn't want to talk or not, he awkwardly cleared his throat, saying he did but now he's unsure what to say. When you got up, he was quick to stand up, saying he's sorry. When you stared, he awkwardly motioned to sit back so you did. He sat back down, clearing his throat, staring at the table before he said he's sorry he couldn't have gotten you out of that jail quicker, he's sorry he couldn't have come and saved you, he's sorry for everything he failed to do. When you didn't reply, he looked up then stared as you stared at him with tears forming. He was quick to ask what's wrong while hurrying to you to wipe away the tears. When you said you are trying to forget those things ever happened and he brought them up, he apologized, before yelping when you hugged his waist and buried your face against his stomach. He stared as you clenched him, whispering it's not his fault. He removed your arms so he could crouch down and properly hug you. When you clenched his shirt, whispering you killed too many now to turn back to how things were and if you stay with him, they will also arrest him, he shook his head, saying he doesn't care. When you pulled away, wiped your tears and got up, saying you can't stay, he was quick to jump up and say if he's with you, he's happy, without you, it feels as if he's being tortured. When you put your hand on his cheek, softly saying you did awful things and you are an awful person to be around, he pat his chest, saying he also done bad things so he doesn't care. But you gave him an upset smile before turning and walking away. He tried to chase so you used a spell to keep him in place, making him yell your name, yelling to stay and not go. When he was finally able to move again, he ran outside before angrily kicking the wall, furious you are gone again. He cursed before clenching his foot, having kicked the wall so hard he broke his toe.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now