If you're mute

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Some readers might be mute or selective mute so I thought I should make this chapter for them :)

Remember: sign language didn't exist back then so it isn't mentioned since it was non-existent back then.


He knows you very well so he can tell by your body language what you are trying to say or thinking about. He can easily hold a conversation with you. He isn't gonna lie, having a relationship with you is very hard since you can't talk to him and talking is an important thing sometimes. But he loves you, so he is willing to deal with it. When he goes to an arcana, he will ask them if they know a spell that might help you, but sadly, spells that involve the body are very risky and he has a big fear if he uses a spell, instead of giving you a voice, he might accidentally cut your throat so he doesn't use a spell to give your voice back because he's too scared to do it.


She will always be kind to you, very patient and not making fun of you as you do weird hand movements to try and gesture to her about what you are talking about. When she understands what you are trying to tell her, she will smile and reply. When someone makes fun of you for being mute, since you can't talk, she will defend you. She will be polite for a few seconds, but if this person dares insult you again, she will angrily point to the door, yelling for them to get out of her palace because they dare insult her lover who is a brave and kind person and you don't need a voice for her to love you because she loves you for who you are.


When you try to tell him something, he will keep guessing, trying to guess what you are trying to tell him. When you do hand movements to try and describe the thing you are referring to, he will copy the movement, trying to guess only to sigh out this is hard. When he finally guesses it, he will grin and praise himself for being so smart before replying to you. So eventually he just bought a ton of books you can write in so if you have something to say, you can write it down so he can avoid this game of "Guess what my lover is trying to tell me".


He finds this difficult because he doesn't understand many things you try to tell him. When you can't find Inanna, you will hold two fingers to your head to signal ears. Muriel's heart always melts when you do that, finding you incredibly adorable when you do that before he tells you where Inanna is. Sometimes he will even hide her on purpose just to see you do this cute thing.


When you need something and point, she is quick to lift every object where you pointed, asking what you need. When she finally took the right object and you nod, she gave you a grin as she handed it to you. She doesn't mind you being mute, it's not as if you could do anything about this.


Sometimes he will act as your voice, which is very annoying. So if someone speaks to you, he will speak to them for you, acting as your voice. But of course Lucio being Lucio, he will say the wrong things on purpose, loving how you panic and hit his arm to signal you aren't trying to say that and he needs to shut up and not say things you don't mean. If someone dares make fun of you, they are getting punched with his golden fist.


He didn't want to guess what you are trying to tell him so he will buy you a book so you can write down what you are trying to tell him. He will sometimes rant about how people should invent something so you can communicate since you having to write everything down must be very exhausting for you and your hand. While you write down stuff, he will sip his wine, trying to see how many sips of his wine he can take before you are done writing.


If you want your voice back, he will use a spell to give it back. If you don't want your voice back, he will not give your voice back. When you try to tell him something, he will guess wrong what you are telling him on purpose, loving how you glare and do more violent hand movements to try and gesture to what you are talking about. After him guessing wrong, you gave up so he will laugh and wrap his arms around you, saying he's just teasing you and he knows what you are talking about.

Like I stated before, you can't request "If you" scenarios anymore. I don't like writing them when someone requests them. 

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