Lazy Sundays

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My family doesn't do lazy sundays since my father works on sunday, my mother is always working on her book since she's a writer, my brother doesn't have a job and I dropped out of school so for me and my brother every single day is a lazy sunday.

Since I never done a lazy sunday, I'm gonna assume it is on Sunday where you just watch TV and eat as much as you want(?). But since TV doesn't exist in The Arcana, this was hard to write so I'm sorry if this chapter is stupid.

Requested by: LeeKumiHo


If the shop is closed and Asra has nowhere to go, it's immediately a lazy day. Both will just lay on a pile of pillows, cuddling and reading books or practicing spells.


She doesn't have time for lazy sundays. She's always busy, even on Saturday and Sunday. She will try to make time though to lazy around with you, but usually something happens and makes her leave. But when you two just be lazy, it's usually catching up on each other's lives or reading books while cuddling.


Lazy Sundays are usually spent in bars in the morning, drinking till you both pass out and wake up with the worst hangovers. Both will support each other back to the house before collapsing either on the bed or just in a random street because you both didn't make it home. Both will just hold each other before going to sleep.

Muriel: (I don't know why but I think the thought of the reader teaching Muriel how to read and write is adorable)

Almost every day is a lazy day since besides cutting wood and feeding chickens, he doesn't have much to do. Sometimes it's spent cuddling, other times it's spent reading after you taught him how to or teaching him how to write long, difficult words. Other times you both just cook random things you think would be interesting to combine then spent the whole day trying to eat it all before it expires.


She's always helping Nadia, but when Nadia noticed how sad Portia was she coudln't spent much time with you, she gave Sundays off, which Portia thanked her a thousand times for. Every Sunday she will have your or her favorite food prepared, will make hot chocolate milk and both will read books or just make a lot of jokes. Or sometimes will just lay in peaceful silence in each other's arms, but usually will both be making jokes and reading.


If he says he wants to have Sunday off to spent time with you, he will have Sundays off to cuddle you and do all the things you want to do! He can't lay still for more than ten seconds so just laying down and reading isn't his thing, unless it's cuddling which will result into sex. Usually Sundays are the days were you both go to his personal zoo or play games or just get drunk for fun.


Lazy Sundays are spent just drinking wine and lying on the bed, doing nothing besides say a few sentences then silence. It's the only day he can have peace and quiet from the idiots at work so he just wants to relax and not worry about a thing. 

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now