When you cast magic in your sleep

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Requested by: Gemolotis


He found this hilarious. He woke you up, trying to keep his laughter in as he said you are casting magic in your sleep. When you apologized, he shrugged and said he did it a lot as a child but he learned how to stop it so he will teach you how not to cast in your sleep.


She came back from work to see you sleeping. She was happy you were here, then she can sleep and cuddle you, but she froze when she saw everything on her desk floating. She stared at it for a few seconds, very confused before hurrying to you, softly shaking you, asking in a soft tone if you are doing this. When you mumbled a sorry and stopped the spell, only to curse when everything fell on the floor. She chuckled and gave your temple a kiss, telling you to go back to sleep before she picked up all the items and put them back on her desk.


He came back from the Rowdy Raven, drunk. As he entered the bedroom, he stared at the fire before rubbing his eyes, mumbling he shouldn't drink so much before he climbed aside you, only to curse when a flame was floating above your hand. So he did the first thing his drunk mind told him to do, run out, fill a bucket with water before pouring it on you. When you sat up, angrily asking him why the hell he threw a bucket of water on you, he nervously laughed, pointing at where the fire was, realizing it was your doing since the fire was now gone, saying there was a fire and you were doing it. When you sighed and got off the bed, leaving to the bathroom to dry yourself, telling him you sometimes accidentally cast magic in your sleep, he let out a nervous laugh, asking if you can control that because he doesn't want the house to burn down when you two are asleep. After you assured him the house won't burn down, he shrugged and flopped down on the bed and went to sleep.


He woke up to feel incredibly cold. He pulled Inanna off the spot from between you and him and pulled her on him as an extra blanket. He eyed the frozen room, very confused, his exhausted mind trying to process all of this. He noticed you were shuffling, frowning in your sleep, clearly having a nightmare. He put Inanna on you so you won't freeze before he shook you awake, telling you you are having a nightmare and freezing the whole room. So after you used a spell to defrost the room, apologized but he shrugged, saying nobody is injured so it's okay.


She woke up to feel something on her face. She stared as there was a flower pedal on her face before she picked it up and sat up to see plants and flowers had grown all over the room. She stared at them, wondering how plants got into her house before she laughed when she saw you were doing this. She poked your cheek till you woke up, jokingly saying as much as she appreciates you giving her flowers, this many is a bit too much. She laughed as you frowned, confused as you eyed the room, your exhausted mind trying to process what was happening before you realized what happened. Portia just laughed it off, saying you can both remove the flowers and plants in the morning.


He was annoyed by how awful his day went and he barely got any sleep. So he just wanted to sleep, so when you began using magic in your sleep, keeping him up longer, he angrily slapped you with a pillow, yelling he can't go to sleep when you are trying to blast a goddamn hole in his wall. When you apologized, he huffed, saying he will get someone to repair it tomorrow before he turned his back to you and cuddled his pillow, mumbling everyone is an asshole today and he just wants some damn sleep but nooo, his crazy lover who can cast magic had to decide to keep him up longer with their crazy magical spells. Then he frowned and threw the pillow away and left, wanting to cuddle his dogs, needing their comfort. When you offered to comfort him, he said he isn't planning to die in his sleep because you cast some insane spell in your sleep.


If he had an awful day, he won't deal with this crazy shit and just pour wine over you. When you yell he ruined the bed and your clothes, he will shrug and say he's rich so he doesn't care. If he isn't in a bad mood, he will avoid the weird things you cast while making it to you before shaking you awake, softly saying you are casting magic and should stop before you harm someone or ruin the whole house.


He will just use a spell on you to calm you down so you will relax and stop casting spells in your sleep. If that doesn't work, he will sigh before throwing things at you, counting how many things he has to throw at you till you awaken. When he throws something hard and you sit up, yelling that hurt, he will laugh it off before rubbing the spot that hurts, saying it's revenge because you ruined the bedroom with your spells.

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