If you're a pirate

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I got this weird obsession with pirates after playing Assassin's Creed Black Flag, so now I'm a fucking genius about pirates because of the hours I spent researching about them.

I WAS SO HAPPY/EXCITED TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER! I haven't felt this happy/excited in weeks.


At first he was very confused at your weird pirate slang, but when he realized what everything meant you always say, he would laugh and try to reply with the pirate terms he knows. Whenever he left on an adventure, you left to the sea. Asra knows you're a good pirate but he can't help but worry. So whenever you both come back home, he will hold you tightly before cringing and saying you need a bath because you smell of rum and sweat. So after taking a bath, he will continue cuddling you and both sharing stories of how your adventures went.


She likes when her partner is adventurous, so she didn't mind. She will of course keep asking you if you need anything, better guns, food, clothes or a better ship. When you leave, she will worry mad, which tends to give her many nightmares. So when you return you will have to assure her you're okay and show her every wound you managed to get on your adventure to assure her your wounds aren't infected and are okay.


Fuck yes! He was so excited, already getting his old piate stuff back out. So Julian would sometimes come with you, not always since you know he has a habit of trying to get himself killed. When he comes along, he is so excited, bouncing around like a little child in their favorite store. When he doesn't come along he will sit at home, worrying and a bit jealous he couldn't come with you. When you come back, he will excitedly ask you how it went. He loves to use pirate terms in public so others don't understand you two and you can both make people confused.


He was very confused when you started using pirate terms, for sure when you asked for cackle fruit, so you had to awkwardly explain it means you want chicken eggs. So every time you used pirate terms, would have to explain what it means afterwards. He will try to convince you to stop, not wanting you to get injured, get arrested, or worse die, doing such a job. The day before you leave he will cuddle you, wanting to hold you before you have to leave. When you're gone, he will have a few nightmares of the worst things that came happen to you on your journey. When you come back, he will ask you how it went while worriedly checking your arms and face for any sign of wounds.

Portia: (Just so you all know, pirates sewed their own flags)

She loves adventures so sometimes you will take her with you on the ship, but never into battle. When you asked if she could sew the flag since the men weren't good at it, she gladly sewed the flag for you. She will complain about not allowed to be a part of the pirate battles, but when you return with those awful injuries, she's glad she didn't take part in and will be quick to bandage your injuries, giving them kisses to make you feel better. She loves when you two cuddle and you tell her stories about your adventures. Before you leave to your ship, she will cover your face in kisses, telling you to be safe and return with all your body parts still connected.


Of course he found this both amazing and sexy. Your still confused to why he finds it sexy but he says watching you working on a ship and speaking like a pirate is a very sexy thing. He will of course get you the best ship he can get you. When you return, he will already have his best doctor waiting to take care of your injuries. While the doctor helps your wounds, Lucio will excitedly be asking questions. He believes the stereotypical pirate thing that pirates say "argh" and all that, so you had to teach him that pirates don't say that and teach him how pirates really act. As excited as he is, he would never step onto your filfthy pirate ship with that disgusting pirate crew on it.


He's still confused to why he's dating a pirate. He never thought he would ever go out with someone so low and dirty. Whenever you return, smelling of rum, sweat and other disgusting smells, he will be quick to kick you to the bath and yell not to come near him till you're smelling good again. This will seem rude, but it's mostly also punishment for making him worry so much when you leave. Whenever you are gone, he will pace around, muttering how dangerous the pirate life is and how stupid you're for joining the pirate life. So to keep his mind off it, he will make Nadia join him in a game of chess, but it will more be him angry slamming down the pieces and ranting how stupid his lover is for putting themselves in danger.

Honestly if you want to know random facts about pirates, pirates themselves or few pirate sentences, just ask me because I love sharing the knowledge I know about them.

I want to share these random facts with some of you since I can never share them otherwise;

Walking the plank was a VERY rare thing.

Pirates did wear eyepatches, but only so they could see better in the dark. They also wore earrings because they thought it would fix bad eyesight and cure seasickness.

Even pirates had rules, every captain had their own rules for their ship.

No pirate flag survived, so all the flags are based on eyewitness accounts.

Pirates flew fake flags of countries to trick their enemies.

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