When you tell a terrible joke

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Yesterday I was not mentally okay. (I kind of just sat on the floor for an hour, not feeling anything really then hid under my desk. Why? I don't know, I was hoping it would comfort me somehow. Every time I wanted to leave my room, I began tearing up and just stayed inside my room. I got upset/angry a few times at the fact that I have autism. I wanted to read a manga or paint/color, three things I love doing, but I didn't have the energy or felt motivated to do it so I just laid on my bed almost the whole day, doing nothing.) Luckily I'm better today so I thought I should write a chapter. I wanted to take a break, but I can't, I'm just really not the type of person who can take a break and relax, I get more relaxation out of writing for this book than a break.


He will chuckle, not wishing to say how terrible that joke was to avoid embarrassing you. When you sighed and said that was terrible, he couldn't help but laugh and nod, finding it funny that you realized your own joke was terrible.


She will chuckle, saying that was a nice attempt but you should practice some more before telling a joke. When you pout, she assured you it was a good start, you just need to fix a few things for it to become a good joke.


He will laugh. Or at least try, only to end up laughing the fakest laugh ever. When he realized how fake it sounded, he covered his face, embarrassed now before he promised he didn't mean it rudely and he just didn't want to hurt your feelings.


He will stare before looking down, mumbling that was a good joke. When you pout and say that was clearly a lie, he awkwardly began mumbling about how it was good and he probably just didn't get it and he's sorry for that.


She will still laugh, because she finds your attempts adorable and funny. She will also make a bad joke so you don't feel embarrassed that your joke was bad. When you asked if she made a bad joke not to hurt your feelings, she couldn't keep it secret anymore and nod so both laughed at this silly moment.


He will laugh, laughing out you are terrible at telling jokes before he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, telling you to leave the jokes to him. When you said his jokes are also bad, he gasped before yelling they are not. So both spend the evening saying jokes to see who is the best at saying jokes and who is the worst.


He will simply sip his wine before saying that was terrible. When you sarcastically said a thx, he just rolled his eyes and said not to get so hurt so easily just because he didn't like your bad joke.


He will snicker in amusement at your terrible attempt to tell a joke before saying that was amusing to hear before he tells you to tell him another one so he can laugh again at how terrible you are at telling jokes.

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