When you feed them

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I find it so weird when people feed each other. Like, you have hands to feed yourself. My niece once held a spoon to me and I just awkwardly ate the food on it because I didn't want to make her feel bad by saying I'm not a baby and can feed myself. I have never felt so awkward at a family gathering.

Requested by: AntisseOwO


He will smile and gladly open his mouth, accepting the food. He will chuckle when he notices Faust staring and hold his fork with a little food on it to her, jokingly saying you're so evil for not feeding Faust. So both will spend dinner feeding Faust and each other while joking around.


She will chuckle before holding her hand under the fork, opening her mouth. She will elegantly bite down on the food before chewing it. She will smile before stabbing her food with her fork and holding it to you to return the favor.


He will blush but also chuckle and open his mouth. When you put the fork in his mouth, he will awkwardly pull it off the fork before giving you a smile, thanking you while chewing his food. Only to blush and cover his mouth, realizing he spoke with his mouth full so when his mouth is empty, he will mumble sorry since he wants to have good table manners around you.


He will blush, mumbling he can do it himself, but he will still open his mouth. While he chewed the food, he will ignore you as you laugh out his face is so red. If you want to feed him again, he will cover his face, feeling embarrassed but bite down on the food.


She likes it when you feed her. Sometimes she will bite down on the fork, giggling as you struggle to pull the fork out her mouth before she lets go. She also likes to feed you. She will take the part of the meal she knows you like the most before feeding it to you with a smile.


He will just laugh before taking your wrist to steady your hand before biting down on the fork. He will smirk and give you a wink, thanking you. Obviously he will also want to feed you. He doesn't care about the servants in the room, if you want to feed him, he will gladly let you do so, not caring who is watching.


He will just stare before holding one of his hand up since his other held his wine glass, saying he has a hand that can do this task and he isn't a baby. He will just take the fork out your hand and eat the food on it before sipping his wine, thinking you're so weird sometimes.


He will chuckle, amused by this before leaning closer, opening his mouth to allow you to put the fork inside his mouth. But when you did, he snapped his mouth close, laughing when you flinched away from him, staring at your fingers as if he had bitten them off. He just pulled the fork out his mouth before taking your hand and kissing your fingertips, saying he would never bite off your fingers.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now