If you have wings

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Requested by this lovely person: WinaTheWolf

I always imagine if the MC has wings, they would look like the wings from the sirens in Borderlands.

Of course you can decide how your wings look.


He will be amazed, not touching them, not wishing to make you uncomfortable nor does he know what would even happen if he touches them. He will make sure everything in glass is inside cabinets, so if you turn in the house, you don't accidentally knock down stuff from shelves or on tables and break stuff.


She was amazed. She couldn't help but cover her mouth, whispering you are so gorgeous with them before asking if she may touch them. If you allow her, she will softly run her fingers across them, chuckling when you flinch or shivered when she touched the sensitive parts. If you don't allow her to touch them, she will respect it and just admire them without touching them.


He immediately became his doctor self, he needed to know how the body does this, where each bone is, how it spreads, how it works, if it can get infected, all of that stuff. So you were stuck standing there as he kept circling around you, excitedly saying this is amazing while poking some parts to feel if there is a bone or not, testing if his finger will go through it or not. When you got enough of him treating you like some experiment, you slapped your wing against his face making him yelp before he rubbed his face, asking why you did that. When you told him you don't like him circling you as if you are some lab rat, he mumbled a sorry, promising he didn't mean to treat you like that.


He stared before mumbling he's sure people don't have those before frowning, mumbling he hasn't been to the city in a while so he doesn't know for sure though. When you assured him people don't have wings and only you got them, he will tug them without thinking, curious to if they are real and you aren't using an illusion spell, only to flinch and apologize when you yelled in pain at the rough tug. For the first few times, he would stare at it, finding it weird. But after a while, he didn't care about them anymore and was used to them, so used that when he sees someone without wings, he's confused only to remember people don't normally have wings.


She will be very excited, asking if she can also somehow get wings. You were only half way saying the sentence that there is a spell for it when she squeezed your cheeks together, forcing your lips into a pucker, asking if you can do that spell on her and then you can both fly around in the sky with no worries and just have fun, maybe even prank a few people. When you mumbled you can try, her eyes widen before she happily cheered.


He will brag to everyone about it, excitedly saying how badass his lover is before asking you if there is a spell that will give him wings. When you tell him that is an extremely difficult spell that could go terribly wrong, he pout but didn't take the risk, saying he can't risk losing his handsomeness. Sometimes he will tug your wing out of nowhere, laughing at the shocked yelp you let out at the sudden tug. When you glare, he will innocently look away.


He will sip his wine, let out a sigh before mumbling maybe he should stop drinking. When you assured him he isn't drunk and you actually have wings, he frowned. He didn't want to touch them, so he simply threw something against your wing before he said they are real. Then he left as if you having wings is the most normal thing he ever seen.


He chuckled, teasingly saying his horns are still better looking. When you said your wings can at least let you fly, he replied with how he can easily ram his head against you and stab you with his horns. When you laughed, saying that is a funny imagine, he chuckled, happy he was able to make you laugh.

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