When you use a powerful spell to protect them

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He was both amazed and shocked when you suddenly used such a powerful spell. When he noticed you stumble, he was quick to run over and wrap his arms around you, worriedly saying that spell used a lot of your energy so rest. When you tried to keep going on the adventure, he made you sit down, saying your health is more important and the adventure can wait an hour or two.


She has only seen you use simple spells, so when you suddenly used a powerful spell to protect her, she was very shocked and touched. When you asked if she's okay, she gave you a quick few nods, a bit flustered by what just happened. After the fight, she kept asking if you are okay, saying she heard from Asra that magicians that use a lot of magic or powerful spells get very exhausted, trying to convince you to lay down and rest.


He was panicking so he couldn't properly focus. When he saw the enemy suddenly in front of him, planning to strike, he just screamed your name. He thought it was rather silly to do, but then screamed in shock when you suddenly appeared in front of him, arms spread as a giant shield protected you and him. When you looked over your shoulder at him, asking if he's okay, he blushed and nod, stuttering out he's okay. After the battle, you flopped on the ground, saying you are so exhausted. He pulled off his coat and put it over your shoulders, saying you did a good job and thanking you for protecting him.


The enemy was about to strike him, when you suddenly teleported aside the enemy and slammed your knee against their side, sending them flying. He stared as the enemy was stuck in a wall miles away before looking at you as you rubbed your knee, mumbling even with that spell kicking that bastard away still hurt. After he took down the other enemy, he asked you if you are okay before crouching down and rolling up your pants/skirt a little to make sure you didn't injure your leg. When you assured him you are fine, he inspected your leg to be sure you didn't injure it anyway before he got up, saying if it starts hurting, to tell him and he will carry you.


She always thought magic was awesome, until she saw you lose control when an enemy tried to attack her. When you suddenly swinged your arm causing a huge glow to flash across her view. When she got over how bright it was, she stared in terror as the enemy was cut in half, blood everywhere. When she looked at you and saw the rage slowly leave your eyes, only to notice your eyes were dull, she was quick to run over and catch you before you could hit the ground. She wasn't sure if you simply passed out or died, so she screamed for help. When you woke up and refused to look at her, mumbling she was scared of you but you promise you couldn't control it, she just gave you a hug and whispered she knows and just rest for now.


He was trying to pull his sword out of an enemy, but failed as it was really stuck, only to curse when an enemy ran to him. Before he could react, you suddenly appeared, pulled his sword out using a spell to help do so before using a powerful spell to cause the sword to have magical deadly flames and fought. When you were done, he proudly clapped his hands, saying that was awesome. He took his sword back, only to pout when the flames went out. He asked you to do it again, but you just laughed it off and told him he should be happy you at least got the sword out. This comment made him blush in ambarrassment before he said he could have easily gotten that sword out but he just wanted to give you some time to shine.


He cursed and was quick to move far away from you, asking if you can try not to also kill him with that spell. When you said you haven't used it before and it was very powerful so it was difficult to control, he yelled to first practice it then before you go and accidentally kill your own boyfriend.


He loved it when you suddenly blasted a powerful spell with that rage in your eyes. He simply teleported behind you, softly taking your hands, whispering casting such an advanced spell can be dangerous for ones body so rest and he will take care of the other enemies, or at least the few that barely managed to survive that blast of yours.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now