When you rant about something you're passionate about

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He loves when you rant about something you are passionate about. He will listen, holding Faust. He will try his best to reply to show that he is listening and doesn't find your rant boring. When you're done, he can't help but laugh, teasingly asking if you're done before giving you a kiss, mumbling you're so cute when you get passionate about something.


Since she is a very busy person, she will continue working while trying her best to also listen. But eventually she wrote down what you were saying, so she called your name, but you were too busy ranting so she chuckled before giving you a kiss to quiet you before she politely asked you to wait till she is done with her work, then you can rant to her as much as you want. When she was done with work, she will inform you that you may continue your rant.


He will also get excited seeing you excited. If it's a topic he's also passionate about, he will excitedly join in ranting. If he doesn't know what you're talking about, he will still reply and nod along, not wanting you to feel awkward ranting about spmething he doesn't know since you look so adorable ranting. Your rants are also helpful when he wants to buy you a gift but doesn't know what, he will buy a gift that is themed/similar to the thing you so passionately ranted about.


He will stare, not sure what you're talking about. He will get so confused he will look at Inanna for help. When you pout and said he's not listening, he awkwardly apologize, mumbling he's not sure what you're talking about. So after explaining it to him, he tried his best to remember what you said, so if you start another rant, this time he can follow.


She loves watching you excitedly ranting. She will continue what she's doing, but most of her attention will be on you, laughing when you make a sarcastic comment or do a weird hand movement. Sometimes she will ask you about something you hate or love, or ask you a question about the topic you love just to hear you rant. She just adores how passionate you can get about some topics.


He will sit between his dogs, watching in amusement, laughing whenever you did or said something weird. When someone came to say he has work to do, he just kicked the out, yelling he has to keep his lover company while they rant. He will sit back down, give you a smile before motioning to continue your rant.


He will sit on the sofa, sipping his wine, watching you. If he doesn't care about what you're ranting, he will be more focused on watching his wine in his glass. If he knows what you're talking about, he will reply to some things you say, arguing with you when he disagrees about something.


He will watch in amusement, finding you extremely adorable. He won't listen to anything you say, too busy loving how happy you sound. When you frown and ask if he's even listening, he will give you an innocent smile as he says "No, but continue." When you continue your rant, he will continue staring.

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