When you kiss them out of nowhere

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Requested by:  LeeKumiHo


You used to do it while he's doing spells, but it usually caused him to lose focus and cause something to explode or inflict an injury on himself so you stopped doing it while he was practicing spells. So now you just do it when he finished doing a reading for someone, giving him a kiss and praising him for his hard work. He will happily wrap his arms around you, thanking you for the kiss and the encouraging words.


She will let out a gasp, shocked by the sudden kiss but then smile and thank you for this sweet gesture. She loves when you give her kisses out of nowhere, it always makes her happy and encourages her to finish work fast so she can cuddle you.


He loves it when you give him kisses out of nowhere, they always make him laugh and brighten up his day. So if he's having a bad day, just sneak up to him before giving him a kiss out of nowhere. Usually he will hug you after you gave him the kiss and smile like a dork, asking if he can have another one.


His face will immediately explode into a bright red blush before he covers his mouth with his cloak, asking why you did that. When you smile and tell him you did it because you love him, his face got even more redder if that was possible before he turned and muttered stuff under his breath. When you raised your eyebrow and ask what he is saying, he turned and loudly replied with "I also love you!"


She will be shocked but then laugh and ask why you did that out of nowhere. Both do this a lot. She will kiss you out of nowhere while you're working, and you will kiss her out of nowhere while she's working. You both just enjoy it a lot and it's always a nice, little break from work.


He always welcomes your affection. So if you kiss him out of nowhere, he will definitely pin you against the closest surface before beginning a make out session with you, his hands happily roaming your body.


He will flinch, almost spilling his wine before he stares at you, processing what you just did before he sighs and sips his wine, telling you not to do such things out of nowhere. When he sees you pout, he will chuckle before giving you a kiss and thanking you for the kiss.

The Arcana x Reader Scenarios {Book One} {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now