When you pay more attention to your pet than to them

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I really didn't know what to write or had no ideas for this, so I apologize if it's bad.

Requested by: DreamyKawaii


Faust always wants attention. If she can't get it from Asra, she will go get it from you. Asra doesn't mind, he finds it adorable. If he wants your attention also, he will just join Faust in stealing your attention. If you get a pet who always wants attention, he won't mind and give it attention and help it get your attention.


She will just chuckle, finding your pet adorable before petting it. She doesn't mind if you pay more attention to it, she will take this time to work on some countess stuff since you don't need her attention currently.


He will pout, wanting your attention as well. So he will distract your pet with treats. When your pet leaves you, he will be quick to take its place and be extremely happy he now has your attention. When your pet returns for your attention, he will groan before going eye-to-eye level with it before saying you're his lover so he deserves your attention first.


He will be a little jealous, only to then question himself if he really is getting jealous over a creature. When you open your arm, welcoming him to a hug, asking if he wants attention as well. He will mumble no but at the same time wrap his arms around you. He likes having you sit on his lap, watching you petting your pet, chuckling when your pet makes a funny noise or does something cute. He will cuddle you, happy he has a lover who is so caring to animals.


You both love cuddling a lot with your pets joining in. Portia always laughs whenever your pet steps on a spot that makes you groan. You both are always tired from all the adventures and work, so usually both will fall asleep, only to be woken by Pepi or your pet.


He will keep pushing your pet away and telling you to pay attention to him instead. When you ignore him and continue paying attention to your pet, he will let out a loud and long groan before going to his dogs and sitting down aside them, mumbling at least they pay attention to him.


He doesn't need your attention that much, but if he's trying to speak and you are too busy giving your attention to your pet, he will get annoyed before taking your jaw, turning your head to him before he repeated what he said in a very annoyed tone because he hates repeating himself. When you reply, he will let you go so you can continue playing with your pet.


He will just take the creature, put it outside the room before locking the door and muttering that damn pet thinking he can just take your attention away from him. When you tell him to open the door and let your pet back in, he will just huff and say if you give him more attention he will.

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